Chapter 28

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"....Come on honey nice and easy." 

You muttered that the voice that cut into your thoughts 

"Don't be like that." 

You shifted a little on the all to stiff thing you were laying on and were immediately met with a hot wave of pain. You snapped straight up swinging a punch at the nearest... well anything. You just missed a person standing to your left and the person to the right grabbed your wrists.

"Honey, honey, calm down  you're alright.. ish." You exhaled seeing you were face to face with Goggles

"I-- ow..." You gently pressed a hand over the burning wound on your side

"Yeah that tends to happen when you thrash about with a gun shot to your side." She chuckles urging you to lay back down 

Your head was sluggish as you rubbed your eyes. 

"Lucky your friend found you, you coulda easily bled out." Goggles chuckled 

You paused, friend? 

"You can stop hovering and come over and see her hun." You glanced towards who she was talking too 

Bee. Of course. Who else?

Well the bigger question would be, how. How did he find you that is. You stared at the handsome man that walked over he crouched down to be mostly eye level with you.

"How you feeling?" He asked softly brushing some hair from your face

"As good as I can be with a gun shot wound." You gave a tart laugh then winced in pain at the irritation of your bandaged wound 

"Well thats good I guess," Bee chuckled softly and ran his fingertips over your cheek, "So how'd you get like this?" he asked this much softer blues scanning your features worriedly  

Your eyes snapped open wide as a new wave of adrenaline shot through you, "Russel!!" 

You were already half way off the bed by the time you were stopped and forced back into the uncomfortable cot. You struggled but gave back into the pain and flopped back down with a tremble. 

"They have Russel!!"You protested 

"Who does?" Goggles asked concerned 

"Yes Goggles I stopped to take names of the captors of my own brother! I don't know who I just know who'll they'll take him too!" You shouted wiping 

"Wait someone took Russel?" Bee butt in brows scrunching worried 

"And we know who wants him..." Goggles murmured, "Well, you're not gonna go out and play hero with this injury!" 

"I have too." You hissed through your teeth

"Your head isn't clear, you're under a lot of bodily stress." Goggles pointed out 

You huffed and let your head roll back. You tried to let yourself relax, but the stress and worry settled over you. You just couldn't help but worry for your little brother. It made your heart ache at your failure. 

A failure that would end in who knows what.

It made you sick to your stomach at the thought of your brother getting hurt. Or indoctrinated into this job.

Like you were.... 

You covered your eyes and sighed softly taking a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. 

This was shit.  

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