Chapter 9

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You stared Through the windshield your grip tightening around the steering wheel. You chewed harshly on the insides of your cheek. You ignored the constant questions from Bee as you took several different roads staying with large traffic. Still watching the dark vehicles follow you. 

You puffed a breath out angerly and turned sharply on an off road. You glared at them through the rear view mirror then turned your attention to the bot you were at within. 

"Bee, have you ever been in a drag race?" You asked shifting your fingers on the wheel 

"Well... I... I've been in normal races.." he spoke 

"Close enough." You stated adjusting the rear view mirror, "Let me have control." You demanded looking at the radio

"I... um-" he stammered

"Bee. I know what I'm doing." You stated in a cold voice

"I.. erm.. ok. Just.. be careful." He spoke as you felt the gas ease into your foot 

You grinned, "Of course."

You grinned to yourself as the vehicles began to drive closer. You chuckled at either one beside you. They were trying to control your movements, ha bitch nah.

You shoved your foot down on the gas causing the engine to roar and sent you speeding forward. You watched at the other cars follow suit as dirt was picked up and thrown as you sped down the road. You cast a side glance to the vehicles beginning the catch up. You pressed the gas down heavier causing Bee lurch forward. You tore your foot from the gas and slammed it into the breaks and yanked the wheel around causing a large cloud of dust and dirt to fly. 

It screeched to a stop. Bees frame rumbled as you the other cars continued to drive forward. You grinned revving Bee's engine at them.

"Let's play Chicken." You cooed to no one 

You shoved your foot into the gas causing the tires to spin. You sped forward which caused Bee to shout. 

"(Y/n)!" The gap was closing fast, "(Y/n)!!!" You laughed loudly, "(Y/N)!!!" 

You yanked the wheel around sending a large cloud of dust as you whipped down a side road. You chuckled looking back seeing the cars screeching and trying to get after you. Quickly you weaved back into traffic slowing down. You placed a comforting pat on the dash board with a smile. 

"See everything's ok." You giggled softly 

All you heard was static from the radio and you chuckled driving in a legal manner now headed towards the scrapyard. You clicked your tongue slightly in the silence. 

"Who... Who was that? How do you know how to drive like that?" Was a few of the flood of questions Bee suddenly found the voice for 

You hummed, "Back in college I... um.." you paused then shook your head, "I did a lot of illegal racing, those guys were just some dick bags I proved couldn't  drive in the race. They were pissed, and may want me dead... nothing big." It was a simple half truth that didn't feel as heavy as a full lie.

"Oh... will they being coming back?" Bee asked 

You shrugged, "Maybe or maybe not, most hopefully they'll think I fled town." There was a large pause, "can you please not tell anyone? I'm sure since you've raced before you understand right?" 

He was silent for a few minutes before you heard a staticky sigh, "yes, I understand, I won't tell anyone, but if this causes harm to anyone I'm gonna explain." 

You nodded happily, "Thank you Bee." 

"You're welcome." 


"Tech! What. The. Fuck!?" You growled over the phone pacing in your RV, "I thought you said no one would be able to find me!" 

There was a sound that sounded like keys clicking, "I did! They found (y/n) (l/n)! Not Blast!" He snapped back at you 

"Well I thought I didn't have a bounty!" You shouted running a hand through your hair 

There was a shocked silence, "Who said you were the one with the bounty?" 

You stopped midpace, "What?" 

"Ok. Ok. (Y/n) do not threaten me with murder after I say this." Tech spoke 

"God damnit Tech wHO IS IT!?" You snapped 

"Russel." You almost dropped your phone 

"What?" You're voice sounded whispy and far away

"Hey. At least it's for him alive!" Tech said hopefully 

"That's supposed to make me feel better!?" You growled 

"Hey, I'm not one for empathy. I'm here for computers." 

You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose, "Fine who set the bounty?" 

"The head honcho herself. Blood Mary." 

You dropped your phone actually this time. 

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