Chapter 20

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You stumbled a little over your feet as you wove between the much, much larger ones of the bot that was supposed to be watching you.

"Eyyo! Get back here yous worthless little flesh bag!" He demanded as you finally freed your wrists from whatever the wolf-fursona put them in

You threw them aside and bolted at high speed for the sliding hanger doors. You squeezed yourself through the partially open doors and start running again.

Sadly; you are not faster than the purple and pink car that was speeding from your left. You hit the hood hard and rolled over up onto the roof and then hit the ground with a grunt.

You remained there stunned in pain as Mister Antler Face.

"Looks at what's yous did Clampdown! Yous offlined da darn flesh bag!" He shouted

"Well you o - obviously allowed them to escape!" a new voice protested, "I'll tell Steeljaw you allowed it to escape!"

"Den yous'll conveniently forgets to mentions yous hit it!?" He shouted in reply

The bot yelped and from the sound of it scuttled away quickly being prossued by the larger bot.

You groaned and staggered to your feet stumbling a little as you tried to balance.

you took a brief moment of gathering yourself so you didn't puke. You'd probably end up puking later, but let's not focus on that now.

You stumbled into the woods determined to find a way back, he couldn't have driven you that far could he?

But who knows, with probably a bottomless tank of gas you could be anywhere, but you stumbled upon a s road sign that confirmed you weren't too terribly far form home.

Only ten miles, great.

You whirled your head around then you heard the angered tromping of the Antlered bot. You ran the opposite direction.

Sticks and thistle scrapped angrily at your legs but you didn't stop running. You weaved through the trees hoping to at least slow him down with the trees, but then again he could probably just flick a tree and send it flying out of view.

But still. Self-preservation and all that.

God you hated running.

Your ribs hurt like a mother fucker.

Like goddamn it's like getting hit by a car will actually hurt!

You stumbled over a branch but didn't stop running. Your lungs burned in your chest.

This is why you hate running.

.... It probably made it worse that you were being chased by a giant deer.

You kept going eventually hit a road. Your eyes snapped open when you heard skidding tires. And once again you were hit by another car.

Though this one was a friend.

But you could care less as you laid a few meters from where you were hit.

"(Y/n)!?" You heard sideswipe voice

"Everything hurts." You grunted, "Leave me here to die."

You grunted as you were picked up gently by Side's servos. He transformed placing you within the back seat as he speed off.


Your bones are broken.

Much broken.

Much pain.


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