Chapter 22

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Tired and sore. Thats what you were as you awoke. But you were warm and cozy, so thats a plus. You didn't bother to open your eyes still wanting to sleep. You snuggled your cheek against the warm pillow.

That was surprisingly soft pillow..... 

That you just hear a faint beat in.....

Your eyes snapped open wide now realizing that you were not in fact sleeping on a pillow, but a very shirtless Bee. You froze not exactly sure what to do. 

Well you had pants on... That was always a good sign. 


You felt Bee stir a little and stayed still your cheek still pressed into his warm chest. He stopped moving seeming to notice your stillness, and must have assumed you were still asleep as he lifted a hand to stroke your hair softly. It was a nice soft touch, you enjoyed it. Your lips quirking up in a small smile gave it away. 

"So...." You drawled causing Bee to stiffen

"Did I...?" He murmured

"No you didn't wake me Bee." You said shifting your head to look at his pretty face

"How long have you been up?" He asked 

"A while,"  You replied simply, "Can't really see my clock when I'm smooched into your chest." You added with a chuckle 

He blushed a little more than he already was his chest rumbled with a soft chuckle, "I'm sorry?"

"Don't be sorry for your lovely chest pillow!" You laughed grinning at him

"My "lovely chest pillow"?" He chuckled in confusion 

"Well, yeah!" You chuckled, "Its nice and soft and warm and toned by the hands of whatever deity handles making great chests!" 

He blushed softly laughing. It is a nice warm sound that caused you to smile softly and watch him with warm half-lidded eyes. He eventually managed to gather himself and calm the lovely laugh down to a few soft chuckles. He glanced back down at you giving you that sensational smile he did oh so well, which caused your own cheeks to flush. 

It was.... nice to see this side of Bee again. Made you get that stereotypical school girl giddiness that made you just wanna hide your face and burst with giggles. 

That sounded dumb, so you didn't do that, mainly due to the fact if you hid your face it would be right into Bee's chest. 

That wouldn't be a totally bad thing.... Just totally embarrassing and stupid.

"I'm... Sorry..." He suddenly sighed smiling dropping

"Why? Didn't we get all this sappy shit out of the way yesterday?" You asked with a raised brow

"I know... I just feel so.... Guilty for ignoring you and... Slag..." He murmured glancing away 

You huffed softly not really sure to tell him that it was ok and that you probably deserve to still be ignored and shamed, but when the words couldn't find their way out of the maze of your voice box you slowly leaned up. You somehow caught the alien warrior off guard as you pressed a kiss against his cheek. 

You pulled away softly giving him a soft smile, "I'll tell you a million times, its okay..." 

He pulled you fully on top of him nuzzling your face and somehow purring like a fucking cat. 

A fucking adorable ass cat. 

Or a fucking adorable ass giant transforming alien. 

In short, he's fucking cute. 

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