Chapter 27

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You swallowed thickly at your brothers fear filled call of your name. Your hand tightened around the branch in your grip. 

Everyone had seemed to freeze, yourself included. 

Your mouth was dry, body tense and ready for the fight.

"L..." You breathed, "Let him go." 

"I really don't think you get to be the one demanding things here lady." One of the men, not the one on the ground still

"I can demand what I want when I want, Now I suggest you let him go." You huffed 

"Why should we? This kid," He haphazardly gestured his gun at Russell, "Will make us a fortune."

"You could not kidnap kids to make money." You pointed out, "And either way he's needed alive, so I wouldn't be pointing your gun at him."

"Whatever." He huffed, "Are we gonna fight or not?"

"I dunno are you gonna let go of him?" You quirked a brow 

He gave you an annoyed look, "Just fuck her up please?" 

On cue the three just listening jumped at you. It wasn't really fair due to immediately getting tripped by the guy you had hit to the ground. 

You did get quick revenge by jamming your heel into his face. This easily sent him reeling back with a broken noses you scrambled to your feet away from the kicks swung at you. You rushed away from a man that leapt at you with intent to tackle. 

You dodged around fists as all three men as you rushed towards the one holding Russel. You grunted as you got hit in the ribs and threw your own punches.

A fist connected with your jaw that that sent your reeling and stumbling away.

"(Y/n)!!" Russel screamed his blue eyes wide

You grunted and brought your arms up to block more hits aimed at your head.

"We don't have all day hit her!" The man holding Russel shouted.

You ducked down and jammed your fist into the soft spot of one of the men's gut. With one hit you landed one met your side.

You hissed in pain and shoved the man you just hit down and swung a punch at another hitting him in the hip. A knee came into contact with your gut over and over.

You coughed and jammed your elbow into the side of the assailant and managed to get him to stop. You snapped into action and hit him straight in the face growling loudly.

You shoved him aside and ducked from a punch.

Though they had you in size and numbers you manged to slowly get the upper hand.

That was until a burning pain stuck your side causing you to collapse and your breath you hitch. You pressed your hands over the ever growing pain and the realty of the oddly familiar feeling set in.

You've been shot.

You hissed a breath though your teeth and pressed your hands harder to the wound.

You could faintly hear Russel's scream over the fish bowl effect jamming your senses.

"Why didn't you do that to begin with?" One of the men huffed

"Shut up and get in the van!"The gun welding- russel holding one seethed

You struggled and gasped on a groan as a foot met your stomach.

"See you in hell bitch."

Your vision faded and as much as you struggled not to you passed out.

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