Chapter 11

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Getting used to normally robot humans walking around took some getting used to, even if you've only know them for a couple days. You also beefed up your own security measures. It was stressing you how no one has come to even try to grab your brother.

What was she planning?

You scrolled down the page on your sticker covered lap top with one hand. The other holding an apple to your mouth. You leaned more on the counter quickly reading the article that will hopefully help you soon. You didn't notice the holoforms approaching as you took another large bite from the apple.

You jumped when Sideswipe slipped besides you causing you to yelp and shut the laptop. You glared slightly at the red haired main only earning a chuckle from him.

"Hello to you to (Y/n)." He chuckled with a grin, oh how you wanted you just punch that smug grin from his pretty little face

Instead you opted for a less violent alternative, "Hi Sideswipe. Your perkier than usual." You spoke turning your attention back to the laptop and opening it

"Well that's cause Denny and Russel want to take us to a drive in movie theater." He chuckled

"So? Your point?" You asked taking another bite of apple as you opened a different page

"I want you to be my date." You choked on your apple you turned your head to spit it out then whirled it back around to Sideswipe

"WHAT!?" You coughed

"Oh don't act so surprised. The only other bot who wanted to ask you but didn't have the bearings was Bee." Sideswipe spoke with a smirk causing you to cough again

"WHAT!?" You looked at the mech-turned-man, "You're pulling my chain Sides. You so are."

The males grin told you he wasn't and indeed believed what he was saying was true. You heard someone running in and turned your head to see Bee panting hard at the door. He looked as through he ran here from the furtherest point in the scrapyard from where you were currently standing.

Bumblebee narrowed his bright blue eyes at the smirking red haired man, "You didn't."

"Didn't what Bee?" Sideswipe played innocent, "I have no idea what your talking about." He grinned

The urge to punch him rose even more. Bee beat you to it with a jab at the mech.

"Since you didn't do anything why don't you go do something by taking Strongarms patrols for the rest of the night." He spoke leaning back and crossing his arms

Sideswipes face dropped and you couldn't help your own little smirk as he opened his mouth in compliant

"But Beeeeee!" He dragged on, "Strongarm has the longest route!"

"Then you better get started if you want to go to the movie." Bee chuckled, "Or you could stay to babysit Grimlock."

Sideswipe begrudgingly fizzled away and you heard a rumble of his engine a short distance away. You chuckled at Bee.

"Nicely done." You spoke with a grin, "Couldn't have done it better myself."

Bee's confidence suddenly faltered, "So... What did Sideswipe say to you?"

You grinned slightly, "Oh nothing really," you turned towards your laptop, "He just asked to be my date to the movie that I was already going to anyway."

You could practically feel Bee stiffen from across the room, "And what did you tell him?" He asked trying to play it cool

You chuckled looking back at him with a scrunched nose, "What do you think?" You grinned cheekily at his quiet breath of relief, "He also told me something else interesting."

Bee stiffened and swallowed slightly, "That is?"

"You don't have the balls to ask me out." You spoke with a grin

Bumblebee flushed and completely refused to make eye contact with you, "Well... umm.." he rubbed the back of his neck

You leaned back on the counter and raised a brow at him, "s'kay take your time."

He blushed more and rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. You chuckled softly, the dork wrote out something for you.

"U-u-u-um." He cleared his throat slightly, "(Y/n) Clay-erm." He turned the page onto its side obviously trying to read what he had wrote

His cute stuttering nervousness caused a small smile to grow on your lips. Fuckin cutie patootie with a really hot booty. You chuckled at yourself, cause did you just think that? Did the author make you read that and this forth wall break? Well yes. Yes.

You thought he had enough suffering trying to ask you out. You walked forward and standing on your tip toes pressed a soft kiss to his cheek causing it to flare with more heat. You pulled away with a smile.

"How about tonight at the movie?" You asked

He didn't answer verbally, but nodded his head very quickly which caused you to smile. Not quite satisfied with his already flushed face you went to your tip toes again and kisses the tip of his nose seemingly chiseled into his face by the hands of God. You pulled back satisfied with the blushing man and walked back over to your laptop and apple with a smile.

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