Chapter 23

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You chuckled softly at the mech-turned-man you were laying on, you weren't sure how long the two of you have been laying there talking, but you were enjoying yourself. 

or mainly just your time with the big ol' sweetheart you were laying on.

Perhaps both. 


You jolted when you heard a knocking on the thin sheet metal of your rv door. You glanced over your shoulder towards the door then at a very shirtless bumblebee. You sat up sharply

"I'll be right there!" you called staring nervously at bee 

"get some damn clothes on!" you hissed lowly rushing off your bed 

You grunted as you placed weight on your legs the bruises from getting hit by two fucking cars sending shocks of pain up your sides. 

You stumbled to the door hissing through your teeth in pain as your sore body screamed at you to stop and go back to laying on the warm Bee. It was almost like the pain and soreness from back when you were a bounty hunter. 

You shuddered at the thought, mainly due to the fact you have to worry so much about the fact Russel could get snatched up any day, and the fact that who the fuck knows your location due to Tech being a traitor. You didn't even really know what he did, which was a scary thought. 

Opening the door you smiled at your father, "Oh! Dad! I didn't know you'd come by my little metal part of the scrap yard." 

The man chuckled softly, "Well I wanted to check up on you, after your... rough, day yesterday, and you missed breakfast." 

You glanced down at the tubberware container he held with a soft chuckle, "Thanks Dad, Im doing ok." 

He happily handed it to you, "I put a fork in there 'cause I didn't remember if you had any cutlery  in there with you." 

You happily took it chuckling softly at him, "Yeah I don't think I have any forks in there with me, unless they're in my mattress."

You jolted in surprise when there was a thump in your rv. Your father looked confused as you yourself looked back into the rv to spot what the hell was rampaging in your home. You blinked seeing bee gripping a groom trying to keep it from hitting anything else.

You hid a snort of amusement, "yeah, my cleaning supplies are falling out of the closet." 

"Weird, would you like me to take a look the closet?" Your father asked softly 

"No, no, Its fine I probably left it open anyways... You know me, always getting hit with things and leaving things open." You joked 

Your dad smiled, "Im glad your not letting getting kidnapped by the 'Cons isn't putting your mood down!" 

"Heh. I guess so. I would like to rest a little more if thats ok." You offered him a soft smile. 

"Thats a good idea, feel better honey bun." Your dad chuckled closing the door 

"Can I call you honey bun?" 

Bee no-

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