Chapter 33

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"... Fine."

You kinda regretted letting Bee come along, especially with how awkward he looked as you told him the directions to where you needed to go. he didn't seem to like the solemn look over your usually perky happy features. Or the low almost monotone ring of your voice.

"So..." He chuckled a little, "Who are these friends?"

"Old acquaintances." You stated plainly not looking at him 

"Heh.. so you know these people from.. work?" He asked softly 

"You don't have to talk Bee."


You didn't mean to sound so harsh, but these weren't exactly normal errands you're running out to do. You were literally gonna go step out into a battle field where very few return from. And that was the point.

"Turn here." You stated pointing towards a dark road

Bee didn't say anything as he turned down the pointed out street. You glanced at Bee's holoform and sighed softly.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to be rude... Its just... Ya know.." You exhaled 

"Yeah... I know." He replied softly, "You're worried."

Worried wasn't even the best way to describe it. You were forlorn, enraged, torn apart- worried. Worried may be a good word for what your feeling. You placed an arm over your eyes sighing softly. There was a pit that had settled in your chest that just seemed to stick there and block your breathing wanting you dead, to even start to repent for your sins. and every single mistake you've ever made.

Bee glanced at you worried but said nothing. He knew enough about the sickening feeling of dread. He looked back towards the empty road trying to focus on that. It didn't help with your slightly quaking breath feeling oh so close. 

You swallowed a little not looking as you spoke, "Take a left up ahead." 

Bee nodded a little to himself and took the dictated turn glancing at you again. You were still hidden in your arm as your breath still shook a little as you took in lungfuls of the tense air. It felt like trying to breath underwater, painful and hard.

"Straight up ahead." You spoke as he arrived at yet another intersection 

He kept driving forward as you swallowed a little the car was much too silent for your liking, but you did nothing to break the suffocating nonexistent sound. With a deep sigh you managed to calm yourself enough to move your arm from your eyes. You glanced at Bee who looked awkward as ever driving. You glanced away with a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry." 

He glanced at you, "Huh?"

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" He asked 

"I've drug all these problems back home and pulled you into them as well." You explained, "You don't need the problem of a human."

"You're anything but just a human." He hummed, "You are an amazing, brilliant, brave, and bright woman." 

You cursed yourself for the heat that rose into your cheeks dying them a soft pink. But you smiled none the less.

"Thank you."

"I'm only telling you the truth." 

You chuckled softly smiling, "I love you." 

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