Chapter 26

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Something felt off about today. 

You just couldn't figure out why.

You hadn't seen Russel all morning, and that was very concerning. 

"Hey Dad?" You asked as you walked into the diner

"Yes?" He hummed not looking up from his cooking

"Wheres Rusty?" You hummed softly glancing around the diner

"Oh, He left before you got up, his football team has torments all day." He chuckled, "He needed to report in early, but he said he wasn't gonna play until later." 

"...How much later?" You asked 

He hummed and glanced at the novelty clock on the wall.

"He said probably around ten is when his team would get to play their first game." He hummed, "Planning on watching him?"

You glanced out the window, "Yeah... Something like that... His usual field right?" 

"Yup!" He chuckled, "I made you some eggs. Luckily I started them now otherwise they would have been cold." 

He placed a plate on the bar but you were already gone, "(y/n)?" 

You had been too stupid, too reckless to not know about this event. a place where it would be oh-so-easy to snatch up a little brunette and not get noticed until its too late. You continued to scold yourself as you bolted around a shelf towards the front gate. Adrenaline was causing you to tremble so bad it was a challenge just to open this stupid gate. 

You managed to get it open and rush out just as you heard Bee call your name. 

Your feet hit the earth hard as you sped along the path at full speed. Your eyes were wide as you whipped around a corner. Your chest heaved with hard breaths as you saw the field. 

Your eyes raked over the groups of kids and adults searching for the boy you wanted. You swallowed hard as you didn't find him. Rushing you pushed through the crowd to get to the kids you know are in his team. You placed your hand on the girls shoulder. She jumped and looked at you.  

"Oh hey! You must be Russel's big sister." She smiled, "Name's Hank. You?"

"(y/n)," You panted, "Where's Russel?" 

"I'm asking the same thing I haven't seen him since he got here, which was the second game, he better get here soon, We're almost up." Hank hummed softly her attention on the game

"What way did he go last time you saw him?" You asked worriedly looking around 

She pointed to the tree line, "That way, said he saw something and wanted to check it out." 

"Okay thank you." You huffed softly 

"When you find him tell him to get back over here, its almost game time." She stated, but you were already gone 

You rushed through the wood and brush, "Please God..." You murmured 

"Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!" You slowly grew louder as a few figures came into your view

"Hey! Let me go!" You heard a very panicked sounding Russel cry 

You forced yourself faster your lungs burning with effort. You grabbed a thick fallen branch as you got closer to the man farthest away from Russel. You swung the hefty branch and smashed it into the back of the mans head. 

He went down with a pained shout drawing the attention of the others quite fast. You glared breathing hard your chest heaving.


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