Chapter 4

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You cocked a brow at this weird car's car response.

"A robot?" You echoed holding your knees close

"...y-yes. Or more accurately an alien." The voice over the radio crackled

You squinted at the radio, "An alien.."

The radio crackled, "... I transform..."

You breathed, "you transform."

You stepped out of the fucking sentiment car and sat down and flopped onto your back making a cloud of dust rise. You jammed the heels of your hand into your eyes.

"I'm going fucking insane..." you spoke to yourself over the sounds over shifting metal

"Pretty sure you're not.." the radio voice spoke to you, except this time it had no static

You moved your hands and your eyes instantly snapped wide open. There crouching down above you was a giant yellow and black robot...NOT TO MENTION IT WAS JUST A CAR!! You stared at it... Him... them... stunned to silence, the hurt of your former partners death temporarily forgotten.

"Um..." the bot shifted under your gaze, "Jeez... Optimus had a whole spiel on this... I am Bumblebee..."

"You're a car..."


"YOu're a car."

"Y-you just said that."


"... pretty sure we just confirmed that twice.."

You stared at the bot brows tilted up, "That's fucking awesome."

Bumblebee tilted his helm, "That's similar to what Miko said..."

"I have like a million questions cause I know this is real, cause I don't have the brains to think something up this complicated-" you continued one and one an exasperated laugh leaving you

He finally cut you off, "Now... I am one of five autobots here on earth currently." You listened to him tilting your head, "We are here to protect you organics from the decepticons. We need to recapture them and we are using this scrapyard as a base."

"So... what your telling me is my dad knows about you and didn't think to tell me their are giant fricken robots a hundred feet from where I sleep?" You questioned sarcastically

He paused, "Yes?..."

You patted your stomach blowing a raspberry, "Frick."

"Well, I am Bumblebee and you would be?" The mech asked politely

"Names (y/n)." You spoke holding your tongue on the flirtatious comment that came to mind, "So how long you've been on earth?"

He hummed, "Must recently a few months, all together several human years..."

You nodded slightly, "Do Im assuming these "decpticons" wang to take over earth?"

"Not all of them... Grimlock was once a decepticon, but he joined the autobots team." He chuckles, "Not all of them are conniving little-"

"Dickbags?" You cut in with a playful grin

"... Sure." The yellow mech spoke

"So... Well this is a thing to come home too.." you stated tapping your index fingers together

"You seem to being handling finding out you're living with giant robots pretty well." Bee hummed

You laughed, "Oh the stories I could tell you."

He hummed, "If you don't mind me asking, why were you crying?"

Your mood dropped images of pink jumped before your eyes, "... I lost someone very dear to me today.. just needed to cry, and I though crying in a sports car would help me feel better."

Bee nods slightly, "I know the feeling... not the getting in a sports car one, just... needing to cry. I understand you can't be strong all the time."

You smiled at him, "I need to hang around you more often, you've got wise words."

"I guess, I got it from someone dear to me too." He said looking at the star speckled sky

You chuckled, "Whoever they are they sound very wise."

Bee smiled sadly, "He was. That he was. And very selfless too.."

With that you both say in silence. You inspected the mech. Your eyes tracing down his shoulder plates down his chest and abdomen. Each plate seemed to fit together perfectly and shifted and curved around his body in a protective outer casing. Your eyes traced up the cables seen through the gaps of his armor and you couldn't help but wonder what this literal living metal felt like.

You sighed finally pulling your gaze of his lovely body, "Well, in gonna go to bed. Us humans need it pretty badly."

Bee smiled a gleam in his beautiful optics as you stood, "well good night to you. Have a better rest of your night, if you ever need cheering up remember the steps towards happiness."

You rolled your eyes and walked away with a large smile. So crying in a sports car will make you feel better.

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