Chapter 30

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"Hey... I'm sorry..."  You spoke softly 

"Sorry?" Bee hummed in reply 

You glanced up at him. It was nearly a day since Russel had been kidnapped and you were anxious that you were still at the new base of the League. It was stressing you out and you couldn't sleep, even with your head on the heavenly chest pillows of bees holoform.

You sighed softly, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" He asked softly eyes darting across your face 


He was quiet for awhile. You weren't entirely sure if that was a good thing. It may have only been a few minutes, but it felt like much longer due to how silent and dark the room around you was. He stroked over your head once or twice before he spoke.

"I could apologize too." 

You raised a brow, "What do you have to be sorry for?"

"I brought you and your family into the middle of a years old war." He exhaled rubbing your head

"Thats a dumb thing to be sorry for." You pointed out 

"That doesn't stop me from feeling bad about it." 

He wasn't wrong. You don't know when someone ever told you it was fine and you'd feel okay. It just didn't work like that. Guilt was one hell of a weed and once its taken full root it was hard to remove. 

"Still... you shouldn't feel too bad about that, I would have figured out on my own something was up either way." You chuckled softly, "None of you are exactly subtle." 

He got a nice laugh out of that, "It has been a while since I've had to his in alt mode."

"Where is your alt by the way? Doesn't your holoform need to return to yourself?" You hummed 

"Its a projection, It doesn't need to return to my alt much." He hummed stroking over your cheek, "And if I did leave I'd miss seeing you too much."

You blushed a little at him, "Thats cheesy as hell." 

He chuckled, "That I will not apologize for." 

You laughed softly at him and gave his cheek a kiss, "Okay cutie."

He blushed a little at the name and nuzzled your head gently smiling at you. You smiled softly at the man. He made you feel so giddy and school girlish. It was dumb but you loved feeling this way, and forgetting your problems for just a moment. To loose all your stresses and enjoy things with him for just a little while. 

It was love, it was stereotypical, but that was okay. 

You gently pulled his head closer and gave him a soft kiss on the mouth. He paused for a moment before gently returning it softly purring happily cupping your cheek softly. He rubbed under your eye with his thumb gently. Everything he did was so tender and loving, and you loved it so much. 

So so much.

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