Chapter 25

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You sighed softly and stretched out your legs wiggling your toes out. The bruises across your body were still a gross purply green color and the scrapes you had from sliding on the rough road still had streaks of crusty blood and skin. It was a process was one that left you to deal with the fact that if you brushed against something it shot up your body stabbing you with the hard reminder of the pain.

At least you were a quick healer. Even if it took the slight pain when ever you did anything it was worth it to have the bruises and scrapes leave. 

You glanced at the still snoozing Bee holoform in your bed. You hid a soft chuckle at the mech-turned-man and his spread eagle, opened mouthed sleeping position. You slid out of your bed and stretched out your back with a satisfying popping sound. 

You looked at the sleeping bee again, and mainly to poke at his sleeping face and annoy there living shit out of the mech-turned-man. You didn't do that, lucky enough for bee, and walked towards the box on your floor that held your clothes.

Yeah, I know so high class of you to put your clothes there. 

You're so very classy. 

You dug around in the box, of what used to be neatly folded clothes, to find something suitable to wear for the rest of the day. 

Or at least to keep you from looking like that one girl at every high school that would wear nothing but spaghetti string under shirts and fuzzy pants. 

Cause you were looking an awful lot like that at the moment. 

You found some nice, -ish, clothes for the day when you spotted it

It was strewn haphazardly on the well worn flux-wood on the floor. 

Bee's shirt. 

Your lips twitched up in a grin. Picking up the black and yellow striped shirt and pulled it on over your head.

Yes, it was stereotypical of you to take his clothes, but hey, he couldn't seem to figure out how to keep his damn shirt on; not that you were complaining about that. So a solution is to wear his shirt. 

You snickered to yourself as you pulled on your pants after you had put some mitch-matched socks on your feet. Running a brush through your hair you walked out of the hilariously tiny bedroom, but its an rv what can you expect?

You walked up to the front of the rv and sat down in the drivers seat and looked out the foggy windshield. You noticed the cracked glass that was over all the gauges and the missing steering wheel. You chuckled at that fact it wasn't street legal, you never really sat up here either, the seat was much comfier than the bench you normally sat at. 

You chuckled and bunched up the large shirt up a little and nuzzled your face into the soft material. 

You now realized why girls like stealing their guys shirts and sweatshirts. Not only do you look cute but it smells a lot like bee.  You always thought that was a weird way to describe it, but  you found yourself enjoying the common weird thing girls like. 

It was not a bad thing.

Not one at all. 

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