Chapter 18

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Lol this story is progressing much faster than I expected..))

Everything was fine.

Abso-FUCKING-luetly fine.

Bee won't talk to you anymore.

The Liege is dealing with inward corruption.

The possibility of Russel getting kidnapped at any moment

And the ever looming presence of womanly, and very bloody, body functions.

Yeah. Everything was fine and dandy.

You sighed fiddling with your fingers and watching Russel from one of the massive glass windows of the diner. You lifted a hand up and ran it through your hair.

It's been two days since you got shot and accidentally dragged Bee into the hellscape that is your life, it's been tearing you apart.

You wanted to explain why, you wanted to explain everything, pour out your insides before him and let him judge you then, but you just couldn't will yourself to do it.

Maybe you had trust issues. Maybe you were just worried you'd lose him.

You were just... lost was the best way to put it. Lost in your thoughts, your life, the web of lies you've created.

Your leg wound stung like a bitch and it wasn't improving your melancholy mood. 

You glanced up when your father sat down in the booth opposite to you.

"Hey kiddo..." he hummed softly, "What's eatin' at you?"

You sighed.

'I messed up everything through one mistake, Russel is probably gonna get kidnapped and bee most lightly hates me, and I don't blame him.'

"Just.. Tired I guess.." you huffed softly ignoring the thought as you laid your head on the arms pressing them to the table top

" 'Tired'? (Y/n)..." he sighed stroking your head softly, "Are you depressed again?"

You darted your eyes down staring at the table. He knew you better than you thought. Your brows scrunched a little, he was right.

You were just... just so stressed and worried about what was going to happen, what you could have done. It was like being trapped, you knew what to do, but you were just... just scared.

You felt powerless.

"Hey (y/n)?" You glanced up to your father's voice

You didn't even realize your eyes were so watery until you shifted your gaze. You blinked back the tears and heaved a shuddering breath.

"I'm... I don't know why I'm like this..." you sighed burying your face deeper in your arms

You weren't exactly one to let your emotions control you. But life has just been so hard as of late. Much of your problems were your own fault, but it wasn't your fault Pink got shot and spiraled your life into this.

You shouldn't blame it on Pink's dead corpse. You shouldn't blame your problems on anyone.

It was human nature to find someone or something to set the blame on. We're rational or not.

You hummed softly as your father stroked over your hair. It was a comforting gesture.

"If you need to talk I'm here kiddo." He offered you a kind smile

"At least your on my side..." you mumbled mainly to yourself

He didn't press just stroked your head.

"Hey... How about your favorite meal? And we can settle down for a movie?" He offered with a smile

You nodded and wiped your damp cheeks with the heel of your palms, "Yeah.. I'd like that..."

He gave your arm a reassuring pat and stepped away to get cooking. You looked forlornly out the window. Your eyes soon found the bright blue's of bumblebee who perked when you noticed his staring and looked away sharply.

You sighed and leaned your chin on a propped up hand your eyes lidding.

This was awful.

Not only have you fucked up your own life but you managed you hurt Bee.

You couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

What he was feeling.

He was so warm before.

He probably felt betrayed. Angry?

You didn't mean to do hurt him.

But you always ended up hurting those around you.

But you worked so hard not to....

So very hard.

To hard.

You wiped your eyes and watched Russel happily chat with Fix-it. A sad warm feeling settled over you.

You would never let anything happen to him.

He doesn't deserve any of the things that the world wants to drag him into.

Or more less what the shadow you cast was trying to fuck up your life and fuck up your little brothers life.

You sighed and looked away.

This is your life.


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