Chapter 1 - Just a night out ✔

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- Friday, January 22nd, 2016 -

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- Friday, January 22nd, 2016 -

"Please Finnley," I beg him while I close his book for the third time. "Please go with me."

"You know better than calling me that. And why?" Finnley looks at me, rather annoyed, pushing my hand of his book for the third time in a row. "You always go without me."

"But you're my best friend," I whine, exasperating a sigh. "And you're sixteen. You're supposed to go out and party."

"I have plans."

"Don't tell me you will spend yet another night at home, studying for a test you studied for enough already."

"Who says I don't have other friends?" He sits back and crosses his arms, sending me a cold glare. The thing with Finnley is, he is my best friend, and I've never seen him with other people besides me and our best friend Emma, or a girl in his class named Julia. We always used to hang out during the weekends, or in the evening hours after school. But since about a year, Finnley refuses to hang out with me during the weekends. He's mostly studying at home while I go out; and he never gives in to come with me for once.

"But I'm celebrating my birthday."

"Your birthday is in two weeks." Finnley rolls his eyes while grabbing the book again. "You'll celebrate in two weeks, at home, throwing a party. And on Sunday, like always, we'll do something fun to celebrate together. You can tell me all about the party and tell me over and over again what I missed out on."

I sigh deeply. "Why won't you go out?"

"You know mom and dad don't like the idea of me going out."

"Stop being such a pussy." Emma drops in a seat next to him, grinning widely. "You're sixteen, you should ignore their rules every so often."

"I'm perfectly fine with my life, thank you very much."

"You're a nerd," I deadpan with an annoyed look. "Don't tell me you really like to settle for a life consisting of studying and staying at home."

"Why is it so important to you, all of the sudden?"

"He wants to hit on Julia." Emma chuckles, staring at Finnley amused. "He needs you to introduce him to her."

Finnley groans and slams his head onto the pile of books in front of him. "Just give up, Cris. She's not into you."

"How do you know? Have you talked to her about me?" I look at him curiously. Finnley refuses to introduce us to her, telling us Julia is really shy and doesn't like meeting new people.

"I haven't," he mutters to his books. "You really can't stop talking about her, can't you?" He looks at me, still leaning his head on his books. "I really don't think she's your type anyway."

"Why not!?" I exclaim, "she's hot, she's cute, she's smart."

"You don't even know her." Finnley reminds me of the painful fact I've never worked up the guts to at least get to know her by myself. But Julia is always around her group of friends and I hate being publicly humiliated. It's generally known most Gymnasium students think poorly about us "regular" students. Most of them, but luckily Finn never paid any attention to the school's regular orders of friendship. Instead of hiding on the second floor, which is preserved solely for students with AP classes, he always comes and sit with us. He only spends time in the library when he has to work together with other students, or when Emma and I aren't around to hang out with.

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