Chapter 19 - Next level ✔

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- Monday, March 14th, 2016 -

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- Monday, March 14th, 2016 -

– 1,5 months after the disappearance –

"What's that?" Stan walks up to me, while I'm seated outside behind the locker rooms, leaning against the wall, staring at the note I got from Finnley a couple of days ago. I haven't heard anything else, or told anyone about it. But as soon as I hear Stan's voice, I fold it back together and casually put it in my backpack, smiling towards him. "Some notes I took in class."

He cocks a brow, taking a seat beside me. "You took notes?"

"Hey! I every so often pay attention in class."

"Yeah, but I've never heard about you taking notes before."

"Well, I do want to graduate this year." I take a cigarette from him, lighting it with his lighter. "I have to start thinking about the future."

"You already know what school you're going to?"

"Nah." I shrug. "I haven't completely figured it out yet."

"Well, you can always help me with my business." He grins and I huff, to which he laughs softly.

"I told you, I don't want to know, okay? You just do your thing, I'll ignore the fact you deal drugs."

"It's not just drugs, sweety."

"You calling me sweety?" I cock a brow, nudging him in his side softly. "I'm not a chick, okay?"

"Well, I want a cute nickname for my baby." He laughs again while my face flushes. "You're cute when you're embarrassed." He whispers, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

"Oh, shut it." I mumble, enjoying the feeling of his lips against my skin. The space behind the locker rooms is the only place I allow him to do such a thing. Nobody ever seems to come around here, which I noticed after I started avoiding eating in the lunch room because I generally started disliking Emma because of her current behaviour.

She's even hanging out with Janet, who still holds some sort of grudge against me for getting in between her and Finnley at a party last year. Well, by now we know they have something in common; Finnley and Janet never got together because of me, and his feelings for me probably got in the way of Emma ever getting a fair shot. Maybe they can start a club.

As long as she keeps her mouth shut about me and Stan, we're cool. From a distance that is. I haven't talked to her ever since we argued last week.

Stan pulls me closer to him, leaning in for a real kiss, which I answer while I melt in his hold. It's a slow, sweet kiss and I feel like he's putting all his feelings into it, warming me up in the chilly winter air.

"You wanna hang out after school?" He whispers after breaking the kiss, leaning his head against mine. "I feel like we haven't really done anything nice in a while."

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