Chapter 8 - Reality check ✔

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- Saturday, February 6th, 2016 -

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- Saturday, February 6th, 2016 -

– 15 days after the disappearance –

Nathan didn't show up in the club, much to my disliking. After waiting patiently for about two hours, Stan and I decided to just drink and party to relax a bit, celebrating my birthday in some way, since I did cancel my party. I had a lot of fun with him. He turns out to be a little more like me than I expected. I figured he was just some screw up, dealing drugs, ditching school, but there's more to him than meets the eye.

I had to sneak into the house since both my mom and dad disagree on me going out right now. Not only because I got arrested two weeks ago, but also because Finn wasn't the first to disappear after going out.

I successfully evaded them while drunk, and the next morning I successfully hid the fact I had a huge hangover.

My parents went to Finnley's parents to support them and help them around the house. Charlie told me they've been digging through Finnley's stuff to find clues on what could have happened. They think he got in contact with the wrong people and I've told Charlie about Nathan and the things Stan told me about him. What I did not expect, was for my parents to come home after two hours, prior to diner, which they should have eaten with James and Eva.

"I can't believe they treated him like that!" My dad is obviously pissed over something. "Their own son for crying out loud!"

"Kody, calm down." My mom sounds a little calmer, but even I can tell she's worked up over something. I'm upstairs, but hearing my dad like that, got me to abandon the game I was playing to go downstairs.

"They told us everything was fine. Finnley wouldn't run away. But I don't know Maria, what if Finnley did run away?"

"Wouldn't he have come to Cristian? They're best friends for years."

"Maybe he thinks we think about him the same. Since we go to church with them..." My dad sighs right when I enter the kitchen. "Cristian?" He looks at me. "Did you know Finnley is gay?"

"I didn't before he went missing," I answer. "Why?"

My dad shakes his head, looking at my mom, who takes in a deep breath. "Cristian, honey, if you're gay, you'd tell us, right?"

"Uh..." I mumble, looking down. "I'm not gay."

"But would you tell us?"

"I don't know..." I admit. "I don't think I would."

"See." Dad snaps at my mom. "We're just as bad! Our own son wouldn't tell us either. Why for the love of god would Finnley come to him?"

"Why wouldn't you tell us? Do you think we would condemn you?" Mom ignores my dad completely.

"I guess." I shrug. "You always told me being gay is a bad thing..."

My dad shakes his head and my mom smiles sadly. "Being gay isn't bad." My dad tells me seriously. "But it's hard, because there's a lot of people out there who think it is. We always hoped for you to marry a woman, because we don't want you to get discriminated against. But if you aregay, we would accept you just as much."

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