Epilogue - Moving

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- Thursday, July 7th, 2016 -

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- Thursday, July 7th, 2016 -

– One month later –

Everything is completely different than it had been a couple of months ago and I hate nearly everything about it. The only thing I don't mind that changed, is the fact I gained a couple of really good and trustworthy friends.

I never figured some of my close friends had been shitty friends all along. Not that I considered each and every friend as one I could tell my secrets too.

I became close friends with Nathan, Stan, Liam, Julia and Felix in the process, all for different reasons and under different circumstances, but true friends nonetheless. Jaimie visited me in hospital one day and it turned out to be a good conversation with a lot of laughter and it felt like it always did when we hung out. We're not the best of friends, but he has been very supportive and I think we'll remain friends for a long time now.

But while gaining friends, I did lose my close friendship with Emma, who turned out to be completely psycho.

There have been eleven people arrested, with a search for Jeff and Ahmed still going on. Emma and Mike were two of them. Ronny and Stan both got arrested at first to, before I woke up after getting injured. They had been released as soon as Finnley, Jason and Liam all told the police they in fact tried to help them in any way possible.

As it turns out, Emma payed Jeff to focus on Finnley and abducting him because she wanted to get back at him for using her. She never knew about his whereabouts or under what circumstances he was forced to live, but she willingly pretended not to know what happened for months, endangering his, mine and Nathans life in the process.

I wake up from my thoughts because of my phone ringing.

Nathan yawns lazily, watching annoyed because the phone woke him up from his nap, making me grin, putting away the book he made me read. Don't think I'm turning into a book nerd, but he told me it's Finnley's favourite book and off course that drew my attention.

"Hey pretty boy." I answer the phone after noticing it's Finnley who is calling.

He grumbles as a reaction because I'm still calling him pretty boy. I'm not the only one who calls him that by the way. I believe everybody, including Nathan, Jaimie and Felix started calling him that way. "You know? I rather have you calling meFinnleythan that." He sounds sad, like he does a lot these days.

"Okay, Finnlay."

"I'm gonna hit you."

"Good luck with that." I laugh out a little. "What's up? Why'd you call?"

"I'm gonna kill my mom I think. No, wait, both of my parents." I hear him slamming a door shut. "Can we please meet? I really need to vent."

"I'm at Nathan's..."

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