Chapter 22 - Pick a side

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A/N: For the reason it is @read_inator300's birthday and for the unwavering support, commenting and voting. I dedicated this chapter as a thank you <3. Hope You'll enjoy the rest of the story just as much. (And off course thanks to the rest of you too ^^)

 (And off course thanks to the rest of you too ^^)

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- Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 -

– 2 months after the disappearance –

I'm seated in the kitchen, trying to get some homework done while my mom is making dinner. But I can't focus since my mind is preoccupied with other things. Like Stan's request to prove to him that I do love him.

His request to come out to my friends and stand by his side.

I haven't seen or talked to him in a week and the past week has been the shittiest ever since Finnley went missing. I've never felt so alone as I feel right now. The only things I've done in the past week are sleeping, eating and attending school. But I haven't paid attention because Jaimie and Evan seem to constantly be by my side, still laughing over the fact I hit Stan and the fact Stan seemed to have the idea I was going to pick his side.

It's heart breaking to have them remind me of my betrayal each and every day. Stan hasn't even been in school after the incident and James keeps sending me dirty looks whenever I see him on the streets.

I did notice Nathan hanging around me a lot more in the last couple of days. As if everywhere I go, Nathan appears. Friday, I went out with Felix and Tom. Nathan was there and every time my eyes found him, he was staring at me with a look I can't describe. On Saturday, during the soccer match, he was there watching the game with some girl I've never seen. On Saturday evening, I walked past him when I left Jaimie's house after I stayed at his home to celebrate the victory. He was just casually walking there, we shared a look, no words and he was gone within the blink of an eye.

But today I went out for a run through the woods because I felt restless and couldn't clear my mind. Conveniently enough, Nathan was out for a run too. He followed the same trail through the woods for a while and it scared me shitless. What if he was trying to get to me too? He was obviously following me around.

It caused me to panic a little and I sprinted back home, locking myself in the house, refusing to go out for anything other than school.

"Cris?" My mom's voice sounds a bit worried. "Honey, you seem a bit unfocused."

"Huh?" I look up towards her, noticing she's standing on the other side of the counter, looking at me. "Oh, I was trying to solve an equation..."

"Yeah... you've been solving the same one for the past 10 minutes. Do you need any help? Isn't Julia tutoring you anymore?"

"Yeah, but she's out for the weekend," I tell her, looking at the notes in front of me. I haven't written anything in the past 10 to 15 minutes and I'm not even halfway done with this stupid homework. "I'm fine, just tired."

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