Chapter 38 - Fight

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- Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 -

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- Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 -

- Day 6; Cristian -

I watch Finnley stumble inside the apartment from where I'm seated on the sofa. Behind him, Jason saunters in. Both seemingly a bit tipsy, chuckling and laughing, trying to hold back some sound.

I was hoping it would be Liam who got home, since he's the only one that ever really talks to me and gives me answers to my questions honestly. After we slept together two days ago, he's been taking me outside whenever we're alone, smoking, drinking, answering all the questions I ask.

So far, I found out that Jeff was in a relationship with Thom until Jason got here. He kind of ruined their relationship by sleeping with Jeff a couple of times. Thom found out, took his stuff and left, never to be heard of again.

Jason's parents died in a car crash when he was 15, nearly 16, so he was pretty young when he got here, completely messed up, drunk a lot and looking for fights every so often.

That all changed after Alex got here, who became friends with both Liam and Jason and got the three of them together. They looked out for each other, helped each other in every way possible and tried to think of ways to get Alex home; never following through with any plan they came up with.

Finnley hasn't told any of these guys much about himself, except the fact he was deeply, madly in love with me for years, trying to suppress the feelings in any way possible since he figured it was one-sided love.

According to Liam, all three of them thought Finnley would break in no time, since he had been silent for the first couple of days, scared over everything, not wanting to be touched in any way. He came home crying after Jeff took him out one day, staying in bed for two days straight without eating anything.

After that, Finnley changed into a somewhat self-confident guy, becoming more talkative; mostly to Alex. They confined in their similar situation and Finnley came up with a plan that involved Stan after he and Jason ran into him in the streets.

But no one knows why Finnley was taken here.

In Alex' case, he got in a fight with the wrong people, including Ahmed, for not paying them for the drugs he got from them. This was their way to make him pay back every dime he owed them.

I wonder if Finnley was taken here for the same reasons; owing some a lot of money. Not that I could ever be mad at Finnley for too long. But it got me wondering if I am in this shit, along with Stan and Nathan, just because Finnley didn't pay for an addiction I didn't know about back then. I know he was taking drugs and Stan told me Finnley was the one who got the drugs. Stan and James never had to pay for it, because according to Finnley, it was taken care off.

Am I in this mess because Finnley had debts? Did he risk his own life, mine, Stan's and now Nathan's just because he wanted to take drugs?

"Hey, you still awake?" Finnley cocks his head to the side, his hair messy, a hickey on his neck, making me shiver a little.

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