Chapter 36 - Game on

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- Sunday, May 29th, 2016 -

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- Sunday, May 29th, 2016 -

– Day 2; Cristian –

I've never been this bored in my life. Not even when I wasn't allowed to get out of bed, in need of rest to recover from a concussion. I'm not allowed to go out, nobody is even letting me out of the apartment. Finnley went to his client, while both Liam and Jason left the apartment "to work" soon after a make-shift dinner created out of leftovers from two days ago.

Here I am, in an unfamiliar apartment, all by myself, with nothing to do but stare at dirty walls. I counted the tiles in the kitchen twice, there's 33. I counted splashed bugs on the living room walls twice; 14. I counted the floorboards in the hallway; 24. I rummaged through the piles of clothes and pulled on the one flannel shirt Finnley wore when he went missing, despite the fact it's dirty and smelling weird.

I discovered a washing machine in the corner of the bathroom, but it's broken. The bathtub is leaking, but I managed to wash some of the clothes, including Finnley's sweater and some of the dirty towels that I found. I searched the entire apartment to find something close to a vacuum cleaner but I failed miserably. I guess nobody really cares about cleaning up around here.

I contemplated on cleaning the kitchen and started by wiping the countertop and the stove. Since I couldn't really get either of those to become clean enough for my likings, I gave up soon after that.

I went through the cabinets in search for food, but aside from some crackers who passed their expiration date, those were empty. The fridge offers me some water, but that's it. Off course, one cabinet in the kitchen is full of alcoholic drinks, most of the bottles nearly empty, but still. Priorities for nutritional food isn't these boys strongest point.

I figured Finnley would be able to take care of himself a bit better; but I guess I was wrong.

Searching the bedroom, I find a bunch of half empty packs of cigarettes, three spliffs and two empty bottles of whisky. I discovered a couple of dirty magazines under Liam's mattress and I found a phone that neither of the three boys took with them, with three texts, asking if "he's" able to meet for some fun. And that's describing it lightly, because the ones that have send these messages are a bunch of dirty-minded assholes.

I wonder if this phone belonged to Alex.

The rest of the phone is empty, except for a contact list consisting of nicknames.

When I felt tired enough to sleep for a while, I changed into a pair sweatpants that was on Finnley's bed, crawling under his cover since I guess he won't be sleeping here tonight anyway.

But I couldn't fall asleep, being all by myself. Every sound scared the shit out of me, every shadow freaking me out. Eventually I drank a bit of the vodka that is still in the windowsill after Jason used it to disinfect Finnley's wounds. I relaxed enough to fall asleep after that; feeling cold despite the fact I'm wearing two of the hoodies Jason and Finnley got me today, and laying under the cover Finnley had pulled around him when I woke up this awful morning.

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