Chapter 11 - Just a faze ✔

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– 10 months ago –

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– 10 months ago –

I'm not really awake this early in the morning. I've always had struggles with waking up and overall, I'm just not a morning person. Half of the time I wonder how I get to school safe without getting into an accident because I'm never paying attention to my surroundings. So before first class starts, I don't notice much around me, even if there would be a pink elephant parading around the school. I just use the moments of freedom, prior to first class, to further wake up and the final minutes in the hallway to have some sort of breakfast.

I'm leaning against my locker, while Emma is going through hers to find whatever book she's looking for. Finnley is beside her, chuckling because of the mess.

"You should clean it up," Finnley tells her matter-of-factly. "That'll cost us less time to find the right books for you."

"It's not that bad." Emma sends him a glare. "It's my mess."

"It's chaos."

"It's an organized chaos."

"If it would be organized, you would be able to locate your calculus book." Finnley lets out another round of chuckles. "It's on the bottom." He pushes her aside, retrieving the book from the bottom of the stack.

"Thanks Finn." She smiles at him with gratitude and a little admiration. "You look good today."

"Thanks Em."

Emma closes her locker, appearing in my line of view. "Are you finished with breakfast?"

"Almost." I mutter, re-chewing a sandwich that tastes awful.

"Well, I'm off." Finnley tells us. "I'll see you guys at lunch."

"Bye Finn! Have fun today." Emma watches while he takes off, before looking back at me. "I like his new style."

"His new style?" I shake my head a little, before scanning the hallway for Finnley, who's already out of view. "What new style?"

"The clothes." Emma rolls her eyes. "Don't tell me you didn't notice Finn is wearing fashionable clothes and styled his hair."

"Like he wore on my party?" I remember Finnley was wearing different kinds of clothes and looked hot. Maybe he did like the attention that he got.

"Yes." Emma nods. "I didn't think he could look even better, but I was wrong." She stares dreamily into the distance while we start to walk towards our first class of the day.

"Why are you even dating Jacob if you like Finn?"

"Jacob is cute." She shrugs a shoulder, pulling the backpack on her shoulder again. "He's sweet, he's cute, he's a good kisser."

"Oh, a good kisser. Yeah, he's definitely marriage material." I chuckle while she playfully pushes me in annoyance.

"Finn is not interested in me. If he would be, I would have known by now, wouldn't I?"

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