Chapter 34 - Trouble

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- Friday, May 27th, 2016 -

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- Friday, May 27th, 2016 -

– 4 months after the disappearance –

I gesture for the cops to take a seat at the couch, while my dad is getting them the coffees they asked for after he asked them if they wanted a drink. I'm really nervous about this, since the cops have been a bit inactive in Finnley's case lately because they're occupied with other cases. I have no idea why they are here or what questions they want me to answer.

Both of them took a seat on the smaller couch, one grabbing a notepad, the other taking in the living room we're in.

"My name is detective Carl Barnes, and this is my colleague Hussein Buyuk. We're sorry to interrupt dinner, but it couldn't wait."

"I wasn't hungry anyway," I mutter, shrugging to signal I really don't care about dinner being interrupted. My temporary phone buzzes in my jeans, alerting me I got a new message. I retrieve the phone from my pocket to read it.

Unknown number:

Operation revenging Godzilla is a go. Remember; oblivious. Don't talk to ANYONE.

At first, I laugh out loud because someone is also calling Mike Godzilla, before the actual content of this text starts to become clear to me. This might be Finnley, since he uses words only he would use, like Godzilla and oblivious. But why isn't he texting with his own phone number?

"Can we agree on no distraction during this conversation?" Carl sounds annoyed by the interruption of my phone.

"Eh, yeah, sure." I mutter, turning the phone off to prevent them from catching Finn's name on the screen.

"What is this about?" My mom takes a seat next to me, staring at the officers with an air of annoyance around her. She obviously dislikes the fact they interrupted dinner, probably because of the conversation we had until they rang the bell.

"It's about Finnley Lund, like we told Cristian already. We have a new lead that we're investigating." Detective Barnes – Carl – took the word, while his colleague clicks a pen. "Is it okay if we write down your answers?"

"I guess." I shrug, staring at the two of them, mostly Barnes. First of all, these aren't the detectives that had been investigating Finnley's case in the beginning, but that could be explained by the lack of team members in working the case due to other cases. But second of all, Carl seems really familiar, I just can't pinpoint exactly where I've seen him before.

"This couldn't wait until after dinnertime, or tomorrow?"

"'Mam, we have reasons to believe Finnley might be in danger and we don't want to lose time right now."

"What new lead?" I wonder if any of this has something to do with Stan and Finnley both not answering their phones and someone telling me not to talk to anyone. Does that mean I'm not allowed to talk to the cops either?

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