Chapter 18 - Keep a secret ✔

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- Saturday, March 12th, 2016 -

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- Saturday, March 12th, 2016 -

– 1,5 months after the disappearance –

I wake up with a minor headache in the morning, after staying out until way past my curfew to drink with Jaimie. We hung out at the playground a couple of blocks from my house, swinging on the swing set and sliding down the swirly slide. But since my parents are out for the weekend, it didn't give me any trouble to stay out for so long. They will never find out anyway.

Jaimie kept bugging me about hanging out with Stan so much, asking me how all of the sudden we became such close friends. I just kept the story to the original reason we got in contact; community service.

Jaimie doesn't need to know about the details of my "friendship" with Stan. He's one of those Catholics that thinks being gay is a sin. We aren't close friends for no reason; we shared a lot of opinions.

But I found out I can't help these feelings, and I still do good things, help people, go to the supermarket to get groceries for the old lady living next door. I still go to church every so often, I still live like I used to when I thought I was heterosexual. I'm still me; I just happen to like a guy.

But I simply can't tell Jaimie about these feelings because he will judge me. He will think it's a sin. He will tell me exactly what I've been trying to forget; everything I was told over the years.

I roll off the bed and head towards the shower to try and wake up. I promised Emma to go with her to watch the soccer match from my old team. Jacob recently started playing and she wants to support him.

Emma and I haven't been on the best terms lately. She really dislikes Stan and by now even Julia, the lather since she likes Stan as a friend.

Just last week Emma accused me of replacing Finnley and her with Stan and Julia, since I have been hanging out with them a lot.

After my shower I decide on wearing my old shirt to support my team some more and go downstairs to get some breakfast, texting Stan, who asked me what I'm doing today.

I grab the mail that is on the floor in the hall and take it to the kitchen with me, looking through the small pile of cards, bills and an envelope addressed to me.

Throwing the rest of the mail on the counter, grabbing cornflakes and milk, I sit down and open the envelope, revealing a small paper note;

Throwing the rest of the mail on the counter, grabbing cornflakes and milk, I sit down and open the envelope, revealing a small paper note;

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