Chapter 12 - Slow changes ✔

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- Saturday, February 13th, 2016 -

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- Saturday, February 13th, 2016 -

– 22 days after the disappearance –

"Did he respond to any of the messages?" Julia asks while we're seated on the bleachers, watching a soccer match from my old team.

"Nope." I'm plopping the p to drag out the word a bit. "Read them all."

"So, it's not helping us to push him over the edge." Emma sighs deeply, leaning her head onto my shoulder. "What else can we do?"

"I've thought about this. Since the police obviously didn't arrest him," – we've seen Nathan around town and he's been in school – "maybe we should start shadowing him in our free time. See what places he visits and stuff like that."

"The police probably do that," Stan tells her matter-of-factly. "Cris said Charlie told him they look at him as a suspect."

"But we could, you know..." Julia shrugs simply, retrieving the papers with the conversation from her backpack. "There's a lot of locations in here, but only three of them have been visited by them more than once."

"You should become a detective." Emma chuckles. "You seem very fond of playing spy."

"Well, I'm just really worried about Finn after reading all of this." She waves with the papers.

"You read all of it?" I cock a brow in surprise. Neither Stan or I have taken the effort to really read all of it.

"I've been studying it." She blushes slightly. "There's three locations that stand out, one is probably his home, the other is close to his school and the third is a club." She retrieves a paper on which she wrote down multiple small lists and points out to the locations. "The club is a bit of a surprise, since it's not the club Nathan usually visits on Friday. But he seems to hang out there a lot on Saturday. It's probably where he took Finn every now and then."

"It's a shady place." Stan looks at the name of the club – Oblivion – and sighs deeply. "It's a place where people deal drugs and all." He shrugs. "You won't get in as a minor, unless someone is taking you; like Nathan."

"Well, let's put a hold on visiting the locations." Julia points to another list, this one containing names. "These two names keep popping up whenever Nathan wasn't available to meet with Finn. I assume they're nicknames, but maybe we can find out who these people are."

"Again, the police are probably already figuring it out," Emma tells her in a snappy tone. "I don't see why we have to go out and investigate on our own, while the police are already looking for him."

"Because, without Stan borrowingNathan's phone, they would've never gotten this information in the first place." Julia sends her a cold glare. "If you don't want to help, be my guest and leave."

"I think it's best if we keep calm for now." Stan agrees, weirdly enough, with Emma. "Let the police figure it out with Nathan. If they need to, they'll confiscate his phone. Which would mean that they receive our messages and that could get us into trouble."

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