Chapter 37 - Questions

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- Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 -

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- Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 -

- Day 4; Cristian -

I watch as both Jason and Finnley dress up warm, getting ready to go out. Jason texting someone, Finnley pulling on a jacket that seems pretty warm to me that I haven't seen him wear before.

This is the second day Liam hasn't been home and according to Jason and Finnley, he is probably somewhere in a ditch, sleeping off his hangover. Apparently, this isn't the first time he stayed out for longer than a couple of hours. Besides, I'm not the only one who doesn't seem to like Liam. Jason can't say anything nice about him and Finnley is pretty reserved in sharing his opinion about the guy.

"We'll let you know when we're staying out." Finnley looks at me, putting the phone he's using in his pocket, zipping up the jacket. "Don't go out, call if something is wrong."

"Can't I come with you? I really hate to be here all by myself."

"No Cris. I'll be back as soon as possible."

"I don't want you to go out..."

"Stop it, Cris." He groans, throwing his head back in frustration. "I don't like any of this either. But you're making it really hard for me."

"Why don't we just run off?" I look at Jason, who has already asked that question twice today. "Just go to the police, spill it out..."

"Because they'll get to Nathan before the cops will be able to help him." Finnley shakes his head in disagreement. "We have to wait for Stan to resurface."

Finnley has been trying to call Stan, and so have I with the phone I found. It did indeed belong to Alex and every so often there's a call coming in, or a text. They are all people trying to meet with him. I've been ignoring them, like I was told to by both Jason and Finnley.

So far, Stan's phone is still off.

Finnley told me he already send out a warning to Nathan, ignoring my advice to be clear and straight forward in the message he wrote down. He said if someone would read a direct warning, things would end badly. Cryptic notes would be harder to prove for anyone what it is about.

Last night I was all alone in the apartment until very early in the morning, when Jason stumbled in; drunk and high. He crashed instantly, not even greeting me in the process of getting in his bed.

Finnley came home with a bag full of food, another pair of clothes he gave to me and a smile on his face that made me jealous because I realized he spend another night with his lover. It's not so much the fact someone else gets to be with him like that. That got me jealous too, but not as much as the fact Finnley seems all too eager to go to his lover whenever he gets a text or call.

It got me wondering if Finnley might have lost most of his interest in me, falling for a freaking client while he was out here and away from me.

"Just stay here, okay?" Finnley pulls me in a hug, holding me tightly for exactly three seconds, before he lets me go again, pissing me off to no end, because I've seen him curled up on the couch while holding Jason close to him when I woke up this morning. Neither of them making a move to stop touching each other like that. I'm turning into a jealous monster and it's making me crazy.

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