Chapter 40 - Honesty

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- Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 -

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- Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 -

I feel really weird once I wake up again, feeling a bit cold, but laying in a very comfortable bed with my head slightly elevated. There's a calming beep beside my head and some zooming of a machine to my other side. I need to blink a couple of times before I regain some sort of sharp vision, noticing I'm in a poorly lit hospital room. The only light coming from small orange dots of lights on the wall and the sign of an emergency exit above the door. I have no idea how I got here, what time it is or even which freaking hospital I'm in. But all I care about is the fact I'm in a hospital and someone must have helped me to get here.

I try to remember what happened, only coming up with blurry visions and weird uncollected thoughts. I remember having a large meal at some sort of dinner, vaguely aware Liam was there with me. Some flashes of a crying Finnley, a sad Stan and a worried Nathan, but none of those memories making any sense or seem to connect with one another. I mean, I haven't heard from Stan since a day before they took me to that godawful apartment. I haven't seen Nathan since the day they took me. Why was Finnley crying?

My heart is skipping a couple of beats as soon as I notice a hooded figure on a chair next to my bed, his head covered with a hood, resting beside my chest; blonde hair peeking out in some places.

Finnley seems to be peacefully asleep, although I can't imagine the position he's in is very comfortable. I move my hand to pull the hood back a bit, uncovering his face. A new formed bruise is visible on his cheekbone, but other than that, he seems pretty unharmed. Besides, if he got hurt badly, he wouldn't be seated right here next to me, would he? Wait, he shouldn't be seated here at all, unless the cops got involved, right?

What the hell happened?

I push aside some of his messy hair, jumping slightly when he sits up out of the blue, slapping away my hand, staring at me with wide eyes.

"God damn it Cris, you're giving me a heart attack. Don't wake me up like that."

"Who's giving who a heart attack?" I smirk and after a couple of seconds he grins right back at me.

"You're awake..."

"I am, why?"

"You've been out for three days."

"Three days!?"

"Shh. It's like two in the morning or something." He chuckles. "People are in a hospital to rest. I suggest you keep your voice down a bit."

"What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"Having dinner with Liam."

"Oh, right, well... Stan and Nathan showed up. But since they kept an eye on Nathan, they followed them. Fucking idiot for tagging along with Stan. Anyway, they beat me up, they wanted to beat Nathan up but then you came barging out. They knocked you out instantly and Stan went fucking crazy. It was really awesome to be honest. He kicked their fucking asses. But I think he only managed to do so because Liam showed up, saw what happened and started helping. They were beating the shit out of them."

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