Chapter 20 - Focus ✔

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- Saturday, March 26th, 2016 -

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- Saturday, March 26th, 2016 -

– 2 months after the disappearance –

"Dude, him again?" James seems annoyed about my presence after he walked into Stan's house like he owns the place. "Damn man, you're whipped." He whines, flopping down on a couch.

"Shut it, man." Stan kicks his leg, but since he can barely reach it, it's not that hard. "You know about us."

"Yeah, doesn't mean I'm very happy about it." He's eyeing me while I remain silent. I'm currently on the couch, slumped down, my back against Stan's chest. We're playing some game on the PS4 on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

"Well, suck it up. This is serious."

I grin daringly, getting a dirty look in return. I like it when Stan sticks up for me. Makes me feel like he really is into me, a lot. Since I'm into him more than I've ever been into someone, I like to know we're on the same level.

"Well, he needs to leave. Because I've got to talk to you." James sits up, staring at me with a deadly glare. "'Bout our little friend, you know."

"Cris stays. I have no secrets."

"You don't?" He cocks a brow and I don't miss the look they share for a second, before Stan pushes me to sit up so he is able to stand up.

"I don't. Now cut the bullshit, or we're done."

James snorts, but it doesn't take longer than a couple of seconds for him to nod. "Nathan's been bugging me ever since you stole that fucking phone. He's been bitching about our stuff, telling stories around town how it's bad quality."

"Teach him a lesson. Make sure he knows not to fuck with you."

"I should really leave you two alone." I mutter, getting up. I don't want to have anything to do with this. I don't even want to know anything about it.

"Cris, don't go." Stan followed me to the hall, where I'm putting on my shoes. "I'll tell James to leave..."

"No, no." I hold up my hand. "It's fine, I'm supposed to go home anyway."

"Cris, I'm sorry..." He grabs my hands in his. "Don't be angry."

"I'm not." I sigh deeply, squeezing his hands. "I'm just not into this shit." That came out a little snappier than I meant.

"Well, it's getting me money." Stan groans. "You know about my mom and I never hear you complain about the gifts and shit."

"I know..." I feel irritated. I just want him to stop doing shady stuff. But he explained some things to me the last time we had a little argument about this. He told me his mom's got cancer and treatment is expensive. They aren't fully covered. Besides, since his dad has to take care of her a lot, he doesn't have a fulltime job and that's why Stan refuses to quit the shady business he's got going on. He simply needs the money to help his parents out. They think he's working a regular job and it's not up to me to tell them about his real business. But I don't want to just sit there and listen to them talking about teaching Nathan a lesson.

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