Chapter 16 - Accepting ✔

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- Thursday, February 25th, 2016 -

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- Thursday, February 25th, 2016 -

– 1 month after the disappearance –

I reached a point in which I lost most hope to ever see Finnley again. It's been 31 days since I last saw Finnley and right now, everything reminds me of him. It makes me cry like a little child and I now have breakdowns on a daily basis. It's simple things that are the worst reminders; like books, or his locker – which I now avoid by taking different routes in school – or the lunch table he always used to sit with me.

The police are still looking for him, but the team who's on the case gets smaller each day and currently they only have two people on the job to listen to whoever has information. But they only track the serious kind of tips; which means none. I think I haven't spoken in three days, my friends started to avoid me when I have one of my crappy moods and the teachers leave me alone in class whenever they notice I'm not in a good place.

I am still in a small argument with Emma because I'm hanging out with Stan a lot. I've been hanging out with him nearly every day; just like today.

We've skipped school. I did that after having a fight with Emma yesterday and receiving an F for the last Math's test I did. It reminded me of the fact Finnley used to tutor me. I went home straight after that class, not in the mood to stay in school.

"What you thinking about?" Stan rolls around, puts his arms around me and pulls me to his bare chest. This is a reoccurring situation. I've been sleeping with Stan a lot. We mostly end up having sex after sharing a spliff or drinking too much.

"Finny." I mutter with a sad voice. "It's been a month today."

"They'll find him eventually." He murmurs, gently tickling my back with his fingers. "You can't lose hope."

"But I do." I whine. "It's been 31 freaking days. How often do people show up alive after being gone for a month?"

"I don't know... Some do." Stan pulls me closer to him, placing a kiss on top of my head. "But Finn is really smart and I bet he'll find a way to survive whatever happened."

"I hate those stupid posters in the streets, you know. Everywhere you look, Finn is staring back at you with that cheeky smile of him." I groan and roll away from Stan's hold, searching for something to drink. Stan's room is pretty much a mess. It's the one room in the house his mother never bothers to clean up. Stan couldn't give a damn. There's an astray on the windowsill, full of spliffs and cigarettes. The floor is littered with empty pizza-boxes, bottles of different kinds of alcohol and clothes.

I hate messy rooms, bit in this case it kind of fits Stan. It's like a reflection of his soul or something; the messy careless attitude he's got going on.

Eventually I settle for some vodka, by lack of any non-alcoholic drink within my reach. I chuck down the remains in the bottle and stare at Stan. "I hate being sober nowadays."

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