Chapter 9 - A lost memory ✔

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- Saturday, February 7th, 2015-

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- Saturday, February 7th, 2015-

– One year ago –

"Would you consider coming to my birthday party?" I watch as Finnley puts away a couple of books, putting them in his backpack for Monday. "I miss hanging out with you."

"I'm busy, you know I have to study." Finnley looks at me, laying on his bed, while he just finished his homework. "And I don't like to go to parties."

"For once?"

"We'll hang out tomorrow," he tells me with a small smile. "I kept my schedule clear to hang out with you. We'll do whatever you want."

"I want you to come to my party."

He simply shakes his head and his smile fades in a matter of seconds. "I'm not going to a party Cris."

"Okay," I admit my defeat. I know I have no leverage to talk him into coming, so I'll let this pass, again. "We'll hang out tomorrow. But after the weekend, we need to start working on your social life. This is becoming a little depressing."

"What is?" He frowns at me, crossing his arms. "I'm perfectly fine with the way my life is right now."

"We've had this conversation a thousand times already. But you don't know any better." I sit up straight and grin. "You need to stop reading stories in books, start writing your own."

"Sounds like those words didn't originally come from you."

"I might have stolen them from internet," I admit with a smirk. "But it's true. You're not really living. I get it it's important to secure your future. But what's life without friends? Without a wife and kids? Because if you go on like this, you'll end up alone."

"I'll always have you, right?" He frowns, I groan in annoyance.

"Finn, I'm serious. Are you really happy with your life? For real?"

"Well, no." He shrugs, looking down. "I'd love to be more like you, but I made a choice in school and I can't just back out because it's less fun."

"But you could combine them. You don't haveto study every night." I get up from the bed a little hopeful. "One free night a week. One night hanging out with me, Emma, our friends."

"You know I don't like drinking." The doubt is evident in his voice, in his posture.

"So, we don't drink." I put my hands on his shoulder and shake him slightly, before letting go again. He's looking right at me, while I'm looking hopeful. "Just have a little fun for once. You're way too stressed for a fifteen-year-old."

He groans and lolls his head backwards, sighs exasperatingly. "Okay, fine, but just this once."

"Awesome! That's the only gift I could ask for!"

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