Chapter 6 - New Friends

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- Monday, February 1st, 2016 -

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- Monday, February 1st, 2016 -

– 10 days after the disappearance –

I've been aimlessly sauntering around the past couple of days. It's not every day you find out your best friend, might not have been a friend at all. Right now, Emma and I are watching from a distance while the police, along with the principal are opening Finnley's locker. Who knows what they'll find in there. I for one have a hunch the secrets I discovered Finnley was hiding, won't be the last secrets to come up while he's gone.

"I'm losing my mind over this." Emma mutters. "How can you act so... collected?"

"Believe me, there's a big internal conflict going on inside of me right now." I simply respond.

"How are his parents and all doing?"

"Bad." I sigh deeply. "His mom won't stop crying and his dad looks like he aged at least ten years in the past couple of weeks."

"Do they keep you updated on the investigation?"

"A little." I shrug. "The cameras haven't shown much. Finnley left the club on his own and after that? No sign." And that's where I'm lost. How could Finnley disappear like that? Why isn't there any freaking trace of him? His phone has been out of service ever since he disappeared and even though a lot of tips came in about his whereabouts, none of those tips lead to any specific location. According to the tips, he's been seen all over town in the timespan of three hours. Some say alone, some say together with either a boy, a girl, or a group of people. But every tip they've checked out, it turned out to be someone else.

His parents even promised a reward for any tips leading to finding Finnley. They're desperate to find him back.

And here I am, wondering if Finnley is even alive. I know I should have some faith, but who turns out missing and is alive after ten days?

Police even went to search for him in the forest, with dogs and all. Even they consider the possibility of Finnley turning up dead.

I feel my eyes burn with the sensation of tears, blinking rapidly, not wanting to break down at school.

Emma nudges me, waking me up from my thoughts at the sight of the police who opened the locker by now, going through its contents, searching for any clue that might tell them anything useful. They take the contents with them in a big cardboard box, after pilling everything neatly, leaving behind an empty locker like Finnley isn't even in this school anymore.

"Wanna go outside?" Emma whispers. "I feel like the walls are coming in on me."

"Right, let's go outside." I agree, following her with a slow but steady pace; reminding myself to put one foot in front of the other instead of curling down on the floor, crying like a baby.

- Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 -

"Happy birthday Cris." My mom looks at me with a careful smile. "I made you pancakes for breakfast."

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