Chapter 7 - Missing the point ✔

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- Friday, November 21st, 2014 -

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- Friday, November 21st, 2014 -

- 15 months ago -

"Guys!" Emma runs towards Finnley and me in the cafeteria, both looking like ghosts. I've spend my evening and night drinking and partying, Finnley probably spend a little too much time studying. "Jacob asked me out on a date." She cheers excitedly in front of us. I spare her a glance, while Finnley looks up rather annoyed.

"Do you have to be this loud?" he mutters. "I'm having a headache right now."

"Me too." I sigh. "But great, congratulations."

"Thanks." She tells me calmly, cocking her head to the side while watching towards Finnley in curiosity. "What's up with you? Cris having a headache isn't a surprise after last night, but you?"

"I told you those shots of yours were killing me." I tell her, grinning. "They'll be the end of me someday."

"But, you had a great time." She grins at me. "How did things with Sophia go?" She wiggles her eyebrows. It sparks Finnley's interest, making him look at me questioningly.

"Great." Smug grin plastered on my face. "We spend some alone time in the bedroom. Rocked her world." I wink, Emma scoffs, Finnley gets up from his seat in that instance. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the library." He tells me with much annoyance dripping from his words. "I need to do something before class starts."

He's gone before I have a chance to stop him and Emma takes his seat beside me, following Finnley with her eyes until he leaves the room entirely. "What crawled up his ass?" She asks me, still focused on the door.

"He had a headache..." I try to explain his sudden departure. "Maybe we've been too loud."

"I swear." Emma sighs. "That late night studying isn't healthy."

"Tell me something. But he really wants to get into one of those schools."

"I know." Emma turns around to look at me. "So, tell me about Sophia. You gonna date her?"

"Hell no." I scoff. "Just some fun. You know me."

"Yeah, fuckboy Cris."

"I'm not a fuckboy." I chuckle. "Just not interested in a relationship as long as it isn't with Julia."

"Work up the guts to ask her out, instead of sleeping around with random girls."

"She'll laugh at me." I groan. "Or her friends will. And I'm not in the mood for public humiliation."

"Ask Finn to introduce you to her first. Get her alone, ask her then."

"I asked Finn and he refused. Told me to leave her alone." Which was a bit hurtful, but then he went on and reminded me I slept with three girls since summer break ended and he didn't want me to hurt Julia like that, since he is fond of their friendship. It got me to doubt about focusing solely on Julia, but then Emma came around with those bloody shots and drunk me wasn't on the same page. It took a couple of touches from Sophia to have my conscious fly straight out of the window.

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