Chapter 39 - Frustration

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- Saturday, June 4th, 2016 -

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- Saturday, June 4th, 2016 -

- Day 9; Cristian -

"Where were you!?" As soon as I enter the apartment after Liam opened the door, Finnley is in front of us, grabbing my collar, pulling me close to him. There's a combination of fear, worry and anger in his eyes. "I was worried sick!"

I frown while Liam gets Finnley to let go of me by pulling me away from him. "Wow there, pretty boy. I just took him out to feed him properly."

"I thought they send him on a job!" Finnley shouts in anger and frustration. "Don't you ever do that again without letting me know!"

"Says who? You've been out for two days!" I shout back, already feeling the anger rising inside me. "You're not my goddamn father, okay?"

Finnley opens his mouth to speak up, closing it without saying anything. He seems rather defeated, staring at the both of us. "Fuck this shit." He throws his arms up in the air in a careless way. "I'm not doing this..." He shakes his head, heading over to the bedroom.

"You're leaving again?" I followed him to the bedroom, watching him grabbing his shoes.

"I'm done, Cris. Do whatever the hell you want. Don't listen to me, what do I know about this, right? It's not like I've been here longer. It's not like I know what it's like to starve to death, to be cold, to be in here all by my fucking self!" He raised his voice in anger again.

Jason got up from the mattress he was laying on, looking back and forth between the two of us. "He's got a point, you know... you only seem to listen to Li..."

"Who asked you something!?" I snap in his direction. "Off course you have his back." I wave towards Finnley, feeling a presence behind me, noticing Liam is behind me, while Jason is walking towards the door, past me and to Liam.

"This might be the right time." Jason whispers, amused.

"Figured." Liam nods, pushing me inside the room, pulling the door shut behind me.

I hear the key being turned, locking the door behind me, leaving me alone with a fuming in anger Finnley.

"No, Liam!" He shouts, jumping up, running to the door, slamming his fist against it. "Open the goddamn door! Jason!"

"No! We're done with the two of you acting like an old married couple. You're best friends, goddamn it! And you're in love with each other!" Liam sounds like he's holding back laughter. "Fuck and make up, for the sake of our peace!"

"Liam! I'm warning you, open the fucking door!"

"We're heading out, I'll be back in a while to let you out." Jason laughs out. "Bye darling!"

"Oh, fuck you!" Finnley shouts back, before he turns around, leaning against the door, watching me standing in the middle of the bedroom.

"If you care so much about me, why are you not talking to me?"

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