Chapter 11

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Achelle's mother - Lucrecia (Valery Ortiz) - in the picture!


I shifted back and wore something warm. 'You mean...Tara is my aunt?' I asked Diana.


'Wow. All of's a lot to take in.' I explained.

'I can imagine. But you are dealing with it very well.'

Just when I was about to answer, I heard someone knock on the door. Who the hell? I want to be alone! I got down the steps and aproached my front door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Tara here." Oh my.

I opened the door and was crushed in a hug.

"Hello...aunt." I smiled. She let me go and looked at me with an amused expession.

"I see Diana already told you the news."

"Yes, she did." I guided Tara to the kitchen and she sat down. I need coffee.

"Latte or black?"

"Black." She answered.

"So...why didn't you tell me that you are my aunt before?" I asked the question that was itching to get out since Di told me about Tara.

"Because your mother didn't want me to."

"Why? You are her sister." I stated.

"Yes. But she was the Moon Goddess and I had to listen to her. It's hard to say no. And I was keeping you safe from the distance. Annabelle was spending more time with you." That was actually true. Mama was always with me, but I would feel as if someone with me everytime when I was alone. I felt safe, though.

"Di has told me a lot of things. And I was so surprised when I heard that you told her all of that! And that you are my aunt - that was" I started to explain.

"I know, darling. I'm sorry. Ryan knows it too but we had to keep quiet because of your safety. It was pretty hard for us to see you get hurt by others. I was going crazy, Ryan as well." She said.

"Tara...I'm glad that you were always there for me too. And I'm glad that you are really my family. That's amazing!" I took two cups from the cupboard and poured us some of the black coffee I just made.

"Thank you." She said when I gave her her coffee.

"Where are Ryan and Leeah?" I asked and took a sip from my cup. Mmm.

"Home. I had to face you alone." I started to laugh.

"What?" She asked.

"It's...oh my...I wouldn't kill you guys!" She was hilarious.

"I know. How about your wolf? What color is it?"

"You don't know?" I asked surprised.

"You are white, aren't you?" Tara smiled.

"Wait. How did you get that all of a sudden?" How?

"Diana is rambling about how beautiful you are." Ah, the communication skills.

"Yes, I'm a snowflake. A white wolf."

"With a black heart around your left eye?" Tara winked.

"DIANA, SHUT UP!" I yelled out loud. Tara was chuckling.

"It's not her fault. I was reading her mind." Tara said. "Are you planning on going to that ball?" She asked.

"I am actually."

"I can't wait to see you in that dress! And heels!! OMG, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE EVERYONE'S BREATH AWAY IN THAT BALL ROOM!" She started squealing.

"Stop reading Diana's mind." I boredly said.

"I didn't do it this time. She said that too?"

"Kind of. She told me that my mate will fall on his, and I quote: „sweet little butt"." I put my long hair in a bun.

"It's true! You are an absolutely gorgeous girl and he, who ever the hell he is, will be happy to have you." She smiled and took my hand over the table. "I need to go now. See you in two weeks at my place?"

"But I have to wear that dress at mama's. She said mom said that it's not supposed to be carried outside. Or be touched." I explained.

"But does mama know who you are? You can go and take that dress right now. Nothing would happen. You are are a heir of THE MOON GODDESS. The ruler of this pack...?"

"Well, mom probably wanted mama to be my stylist. Let's just say that she doesn't have to know about these news yet. Can you keep it a secret?" I pleaded.

"Darling, I've been keeping this secret for 18 years and I assure you, you are safe." She tapped my hand. I still can't believe she's my aunt.

Tara stood up.

"You are leaving already?"

"I have to. I'll see you soon. Maybe Ryan can bring Leeah to stay with you until the ball?" She suggested.

"That would be great. And...does she know that she is my cousin, my little sister?"

"She does. And I know that she'll be overjoyed when I tell her that she can stay with you for two weeks." She said.

"Oh, we will have so much fun." I smiled.

"One more thing." Tara approached me and hugged me hard. "Happy birthday, baby girl. Or should I say...Moon Goddess." She kissed my cheek and then my forehead.

"Thank you. I love you." I smiled.

"Love you too. Ryan will bring Leeah around 7pm, that okay with you?"

"Of course. Bye." She exited the house and waved before shifting and running away.

Wasn't this an eventful day?

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