Chapter 20

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I was woken up by kisses and a lovely smell of menthol.

"No...get of me..." I was pushing him away but that only made him laugh.

"Wake up, princess..." He kissed my eyelids next.

I lazily opened my eyes and sat up.

"Morning, beautiful." Alex smiled and kissed me.


"Are you in for a morning run? Our first one?"

"Okay, sure."

He smiled and lifted me up from the bed.

"Put me down, why are you carrying me?" I tried to stand on my feet but didn't make it.

"I want to shift as soon as possible. I need to carry you because you are too slow." He said and I huffed.

"I never saw your wolf, I have every right to be excited." He stated. Oh no, Diana was locked for weeks!!

He put me down when we got out of our (yes, we live together) house.

"I'm scared. I only shifted twice." I admitted.

"It's okay, I'm here. I haven't shifted since my shift at all." He kissed my forehead.

"Ready, baby?"

"Yes. Can we shift at the same time?"


We started to run and then jumped up and shifted mid-air. Wow. This feels amazing. I turned around and chocked on my own breath. His wolf was so beautiful - black as night. But there was something that made that darkness disappear - a white heart around his left eye. 

A part of me.

'Like what you see?' He asked through our mind-link.

'Very.' His eyes darkened.

'What about me?' I got closer to him and he licked my fur.

'Alex!' I screamed in surprise and he just chuckled at my reaction.

'I think you are pure perfection. The prettiest wolf I've ever seen and, thank God, you're all mine.' He answered and put his forehead on mine.

'Don't flatter me.'

'Still didn't get used to the fact that I love you more than chocolate cake and my family, which is a lot?' He asked.

'Not really.'

'Well, get used to it because it's the truth.' He licked my face and ran away. I chased him around until I remembered.

I have powers too. And I can play dirty. 

Very dirty.

I made mud out of dirt right in front of Damien and he fell in it.

I started to laugh in my head and lied on my back.

'That was not nice.' He told me.

'Who said it had to be?'

'I'm all dirty now!' I chuckled.

'I really wonder why...?' I played innocent.

'Come closer if you dare.'

I approached him in a second.

'Aren't you scared that I will pull you in the mud with me?' He asked surprised.


'But I will do that.'



'Mhm.' I got even closer to him and nuzzled my head in his muddy neck.

'Cupcake, I'm dirty. Go away.' He pulled away and Diana cried out in my head.

'I don't care. Come back.' I said and he approached me.

'Dear God, what was I doing with Sienna all those years?' He asked himself and I giggled.

'Are we heading back? I need some coffee.'

'Me too, let's go.' He agreed.

We started to walk in the direction of our house when Alex suddenly stopped.

'What's wrong?"

'How am I going to enter the house like this, all muddy and smelly?!' He wondered. Oh, my love.

'So...? I'll clean it up. No worries.' I simply answered.

'Baby, you were cleaning after me yesterday.'

'Oh, come on! I just washed your plate.'

'And all the things I used to make lunch!'

'I don't mind.'

'I'll go home and mom will give me some clothes.' He said. Nu-uh.

'I don't think so. I'll shift outside and bring you clothes.' He growled at me.

'NO.' Aww, Alex and Damien are jealous.


'Someone will see you naked. I won't let that happen.' He hissed.

'Alex, calm down. I have a necklace that keeps clothes on me after the shift.' I explained and shifted. "See?" I was now in one of Alex's T Shirts, my leggings and Vans.

He breathed out in relief. I approached him and stroked his fur. This is so cool.

"I like Damien. Very much." He only hummed.

"Even when he's dirty." He laughed through the mind-link.

"May I try something?" I asked when an idea hit me.

'Go on.' He said without thinking.

"Don't freak out, okay?" He nodded.

I circled myself with air and then put my hands above Alex's huge wolf and poured water over him. He jumped away.

'What was that for?!' He asked.

"Come back, I'm not done yet." He complied and then I put my hands above him again. I started to move my fingers and air blew through his black fur. He shivered. I made it blow harder and he almost fell down. I laughed.

"I guess you can enter our house without thinking now." I smiled.

'You cleaned me up!' He screamed in shock.

"My first attempt and it worked. I can't believe it either." I started to walk again and Alex followed.

'You never used your powers before.' He stated. 'Why?'

"I don't know. It scared me before. You know, all of the information I found out about myself." I shrugged.

'I understand. But your powers are so cool! You can heal, rule with air and water...what else?'

"Nothing more."

'There is more.' My wolf said.

'What?!' I screamed through our mind-link.

'You can love.' I laughed.

"Diana says that I have one more power." I told my mate.

'Which one?' Asked Alex.


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