Chapter 13

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I was sitting in my room, waiting for the shift to hit me. I need some answers. I have a feeling that this will be a long night.

'Damien?' I called my wolf.

'I'm here.'

'Do you know something about this necklace?' I asked.

'I do. A lot actually.' He said.

'Tell me.'

'That necklace holds your powers.' He stated. It holds...what?!

'Your powers - teleportation and the ability to change the weather.'

'Where did Tara get this?'

'You great grandpa gave it to her.' My nono?

'Why her? Why not my mother?' This was rather confusing.

'Because she was meant to give it to you.'

'Oh, God. Okay. What else?'

'The necklace changes colors by the way you change your feelings. If you are happy, in love - it will glow blue for a second and then it'll hide. But if you are sad or that kind of feelings hit you, it will glow white for a second but then it'll remain on the inner side if the necklace, in the line of a little heart that will appear later. That's also the place for positive feelings. Oh and, if you get mad, the crystal will turn white completely. That means anger is the strongest feeling.' D. explained.

'That's cool.' I stated.

'It is. Your mate has a similar necklace. She has powers too. But stronger than yours.' My mate?

'Will I recognize her by that tomorrow?' I asked excited.

'Maybe. Just search for the white crystal necklace.' He stated.

'I can't wait. Is there anything else I need to know?' I asked.


'What is it?'


And then it hit me.

My shift is about to begin.


The shift was fucking painful. I thought I would die at some moments, but thanks to God, I'm alive. Right now, I'm lying on the floor.

I don't have any strength to get up and see my whole reflection. All I know is that I'm a black wolf.

'Alex, dude! Get up! You have to see us!' Damien ushered me.

'I can't, I'm too tired.' I lazily answered. The shift lasted for hours and I was exhausted.

'GET UP, NOW!' He screamed.

'Okay, okay. I'm up.' I stood on my four legs and approached my mirror.

Holy shit.

Why the heck do I have a white heart around my left eye?!

'What is that?' I asked my wolf.

'That, my friend, is a piece of your mate. That means she is a white wolf.'

No way.

'Yes way.' Said D.

'But they say only a heir of the Moon Goddess is a white wolf!!' I yelled in surprise.

'True. But you guys are meant to be and she probably exists. Chill.' He calmly answered.

'To chill? Really, Damien?! How can you be so calm about this? Who knows where she is?!'

'I know that we will find her today. I promise.' He said.

'Oh, my God. I hope you're telling the truth!' I threatened.

'No need to be so cruel. You'll see her tonight.'

'I hope so. Now how do I shift back?'

'Just imagine your body and that's all. And you'll also need something to wear because you'll be butt naked.' He explained.

'Okay. Thanks, bro.'

I shifted back and wore some shorts. I laid on my bed and took the necklace.

'Should I put it on now?' I asked Damien.


I put the necklace on and something weird overwhelmed me. Huh?

'Your powers are connecting with your body. You'll be fine. Now sleep, I'm tired.'

'Just let me see how mom's doing.'

I got up from the bed and exited my room and went to the living room. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch.

"Why are you guys still awake?" I spoke and that startled them.

"Alex!" Mom ran up to me and hugged me. "Are you okay?" She looked at me with worried eyes. Dad approached us too.

"I'm alright, mom. You can both go to bed - take a rest." I told them.

"Black?" Dad asked.

"As dark as night." I answered and smirked.

"Thought so." Dad smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Your wolf is black?" Mom asked eagerly.

"Yes." I smiled to her. "I'm going to bed now. Night." I greeted and went down the hall.

I climbed up the stairs and got back to my room.

'Alex?' Damien.




I got under the covers and fell asleep immediately.

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