Chapter 19

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Mason (Jai Brooks) and Jason (Luke Brooks)Grey in the picture!



"Jesus Christ! How can she be so stupid?!" My mate yelled in anger at the girl in the movie we were watching. "Idiot. She doesn't even love your sorry ass." Wow.

"Cupcake, calm down. It's just a movie." I tried to reason her.

"I know but they are getting on my nerves." She pouted.

"Are you for a round of '20 Questions'?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." She turned the TV off and turned to me. Man, she is flawless.

"I'll start if that's okay with you?"

"Go on." She smiled.

"Favourite color or colors?"

"White and black."

"Favourite meal?" She asked.


"No way! Mine too!" She happily squealed and I laughed. Cutie.

"What do you like to do?"

"Cook, sing, read and draw." Well that's a lot.

"My turn." She cleared her throat. "If you had to save one thing or one person in this world, what or who would it be?" Smartie.

"That's an easy one." I smiled. Of course I would save her. "I would save one very attractive girl, because she means a lot to me." Her face fell.

There is no way she's thinking it's someone else?

"'s you. I would save you." I explained. She blinked a few times and then scrunched her eyebrows.

"But you just said..."

"I said I would save a girl that means a lot to me and is attractive."


"And that is you!" I told her once again. "My vanilla cupcake." She smiled at that. "Let's move on, okay?" She nodded.

"Why are you so gorgeous?" I blurted out. Alex, that was not a question.

"Am not. And that was not a question." She said with crimson cheeks.

"Baby, you are. And I know." What should I ask her?! Aham!

"Would you let me live here with you?"

"I would."

"Favourite song?"

"I don't know. Can it be my at the moment favourite song?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"I think you know what song is it." Her eyes widened.

"If I Could Fly?" She asked surprised.


"Favourite movie stars?" Stupid question, but there's just nothing in my head to ask her.

"Johnny Deep, Chris Hemsworth, Leonardo Di Caprio, Paul Walker, Tom Hiddelston, Merryl Streep,...loads of them, as you see." She answered.

"Ugh, I don't know what to ask you anymore." She huffed. "Okay...what many girlfriends did you have over the years?" She asked and I think my eyes would fly out of their sockets if we were in a cartoon.

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