Chapter 15

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Alex in the picture!



I was sitting on my throne, bored as heck. Not a single girl in this room had that something. None of them. Where is she?

I saw my mother approaching.

"My dear." She hugged me.

"Mother." I kissed her cheek.

"How are you enjoying your party?" She asked.

"I'm dying out of boredom. The guys left me alone - they went for a run." I wanted to go too, but I had to stay here.

"I'm sorry, but you have to go through this." She patted my knee.

"It's okay. I'll survive." I stared at the crowd and then stood up to take a drink from the bar. But something sweet stopped me.

A sweet smell of vanilla, followed by the smells of spring rain and cinnamon.

'SHE CAME! I TOLD YOU!' Damien started to jump in my head.

'Let's go find her.' I got down the steps and followed the scent.


I saw him sitting in his throne, bored as hell - I could tell by the way he was frowning. Mama approached him. They greeted. Talked.

I stood in the corner, invisible. I was looking at the crowd but it was mostly females. Great. Now I'll never find him!

I spoke too soon. A smell hit me.

Menthol, autumn rain and pine.

Oh God.

'FOLLOW THE SCENT, IDIOT!!' Di screamed.

I started to walk in the direction of it. I hope that's not my mind playing tricks on me...


I was pushing through the crowd and the scent only grew stronger and stronger. She's close. Maybe she caught my scent too? I walked and walked and then stopped in my tracks.

A girl in a white dress was standing in front of me. She was beautiful. She had a tiara on her head and her long hair was scooped in a braid. Then I noticed the two necklaces that stood on her neck: a turquoise one and a white one. Wait.


'DAMIEN!' I called him.

'WE FOUND HER!! GO TO HER!' He ordered.

I got closer to the girl, but she came to a halt. What's wrong?

And then I realized.

It's Achelle.

She is my mate.


These girls were rather rude.


I found my way around the annoying group of bitchachos. The wonderful smell was growing stronger and stronger. It was very calming and soothing. I can't wait to see who it is. Just when I stood in the middle of an empty area of the ballroom, the scent hit me. Hard.

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