Chapter 39

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364th day

My paws were hitting the soft grass.

Air was brushing through my fur.

I finally felt at peace and content.

I pushed further and further, wanting to go faster than ever.

I came to a halt, observing the view in front me.

Waterfalls all around me, a lake in the middle.

Roses were climbing up the hill where the waterfalls were coming from.

It was breathtaking.

I got closer to the lake and drank a bit of water.

Then I jumped in the air and fell right into the lake to wash my dirty fur.

When I came back to the surface, I was met with the curious eyes of my friend.

"Having fun, are we?" He smirked.

I barked and jumped out of the cold water. I shook my whole body and that ended in my friend being wet.

"Christ, how did you even dare to jump in that cold shit?!" He screamed.

I nuged him on the back and he got the message.

"I thought someone found you and took you. Now that would've been bad."

I growled and he put his hands up, chuckling.

We started to walk back.


"Ach, are you going to shift back? It's been hours already and you've been sitting on the porch forever." Sean whined.

I was much calmer than before.

Oh and...


'Ach, is it okay if I go and rest now?'

'Yeah, sure. I thought you wanted to stay in your form a bit more.'

'I am feeling great, thank you, babe. You can shift back.'

'Okay. Love you.'

'Love you, Achelle.'

I imagined my body and felt my fur disappearing.

I was back in my human form.

But this Alex's clothes.



This is not real.

"Wow. You have a way too huge T Shirt on you." Sean noticed.

"Yeah. Well that 'way too huge T Shirt' is not mine."

"How come? Didn't you tell me that you love wearing stuff like that?"

"I do. But this one is Alex's. I didn't know this can happen when I'm not around him! You know that I would always end up in my clothes!!" I whisper-yelled.

"Ohh..." He smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"If you got his clothes...why wouldn't it be possible to contact Damien?" He smirked this time.


"Try. Maybe your mate will feel you and mind-link you. It could be possible because he marked you."

"Okay. But...what do I do?" I asked, unsure what to do first.

"Think of him. Did you see him before?"

"I did."

"Let Diana imagine him. She has a stronger bond with Damien know."

"Because she's a wolf, yeah I know. Okay then. Let's do this." Sean gave me a 'thumbs up' and I smiled.

I took a deep breath and went inside my head to find Diana.


'Yeah? What's wrong?'

'Can you try and reach Damien? Sean and I think that you could reach him since I somehow ended up in Alex's T Shirt when I shifted back to my human form.' I explained.

'I can try. Be still and let me take over your mind. Okay?'


Few seconds later... head started to hurt.

And then I felt someone's presence in my mind.

'Diana? Baby, is that you?'


'Damy?! Dear God.' I heard Diana's cry.

By the way, I can hear their conversation, but I can't join them because Di took over.

'It's me, beautiful. Are you okay?' I heard panic in his voice and it warmed my heart knowing that he loves her so much.

'Yes, yes, I'm fine! I miss you...'

'I miss you too.' After that, they were silent, probably enjoying the moment they shared.

'Damy? You still here?' Di asked, a drop of happiness in her voice.

'Of course, love.' I could feel his smile in that one sentence. And that made me miss Alex even more.

Diana must've felt my sadness so she went straight to the point.

'How is Alex holding up?'

I heard Damien sigh.


'What's wrong?'

'We just miss you guys. It's hard not having you here. That's all.'

Tell him I love them!

'Achelle says she loves you.'

'We love you both. I have to go now, sorry.'

'It's okay. We'll be back soon, I promise you. Bye, baby.' Diana sighed.

'Bye, gorgeous.'

I gasped for air when I came back to my senses.

When I started to breathe normally, I looked at Sean who was waiting for me to say something.

"She made it. Damien and Alex are okay."

"That's excellent news!" He hugged me and I sighed.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say they're okay?" He asked, concerned.

"I feel like there's something more than 'We just miss you guys.' I feel like Damy wasn't telling the truth."

"You'll find out. Now let's get you back to the cell, my dear sister is approaching." I smirked and he chuckled.

Our plan is finally being put into action.

"Trust me - you're ready." Sean said.

"Trust me - I know."

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