Chapter 36

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89 days and 23 hours.

I'm out of my mind.





"Please, eat something. You are too weak. Or at least go get some sleep." She had been doing this since Ach was taken.

And I would never listen.

"Chris, what should I do?! I CAN'T HELP MY BABY BOY!!" Dad held her to his chest as she cried. She cried because of me. But she has her mate with her - she can't understand my pain.

"Alpha, Luna."

Brooklyn came.

Like everyday.

He would just sit with me and keep quiet.

I liked that about him.

Oh, did I tell you that I've gone mute?


Well, I did.

I haven't said a word for...a 100 days now.

Twins never came to see me.

They are locked in.

Well...their sister is gone.

They are suffering too and I understand them completely.

"Hello, dear. Would you like a drink? Water, soda, coffee?" Mom kindly offered, while wiping her tears.

"Water is fine, thank you, Annabelle."

"I'll be on my way - I have some pack work to do." Dad announced.

"Now? Honey, it's past midnight!"

"It's calming me. Go get some rest, love." He kissed her forehead and smiled weakly.

Oh, how I miss my baby...

"Good night, boys. I'll be in my room if you need me."


"Okay. Get some sleep, you need it. Good night." Brooklyn greeted mom and she left the kitchen.

"Okay now that she's gone..."

"You, asshole, need to stop this."

Brooklyn suddenly spat.


"Stop doing this to yourself! Stop torturing your parents with the silence treatments, not eating and drinking shit! You have to wake up."

You don't understand.

"All of this..." Ha waved his hand in the air. "...won't save her. It won't bring her back."

Don't you dare to go there!

"Tell me...when was the last time you went to your home?"

A 100 days ago?

"Months ago, right? She wouldn't like this. This would hurt her.

You are my best friend and I hate to see you like this - you need to rise from the ashes Alex. And if you need me to help you...just call."

He stood up and left.

He's got a point.

But that one half of my soul is missing and it fucking hurts.



That's all my eyes can see.


I don't feel a thing.


I can't open my eyes or move my body.

But I can hear it.



And it's all coming from my mother.

"Alex...please wake up. Mom will help you, okay? We'll go and f..."

"I know what's up with him - he's in a coma. And you know who can wake him up." Tara?

"My Achelle?" Mom let out a breath.

"Yes. Right now, he depends on her because he was too stubborn to fight his sorrow. Damien is also asleep. But I can feel him. He's trying to break the wall in Alex's mind." Tara explained.


I messed everything up.

" Awex okay?" Leeah.

"Baby, I'm not going to lie to you. He's pretty bad."

"He needs my Ache, right?"

"Yes, munchkin. He needs his mate's love to awaken."

"Mommy, we have to find her!" I heard her jumping on her little feet.

"I know, Leeah. But it's not that simple."

"I know she is alive, mommy! I feel it!"

"I feel it too. Now, we both know she is very brave. She will come back to us, Lee. We have to have faith. " Tara sighed.

"I miss her, mommy." Then...she started to cry.

And it hit me.

That little girl cares about others more than me.

She is braver.

She is fighting sadness.

She believes that everything will fall in place.

I failed and, because I was a coward, my girl has to save my sorry ass.


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