Chapter 4

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Alex (Gui Fedrizzi) in the picture!


"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky..." Leeah and I sang along while walking through the forest. She wanted me to sing something and who am I to say no to my little princess?

"That was pwetty." Aww.

"Thank you, Lee. Why don't you sing something?"

"I don't know. I sing uwly."

"No, you don't, baby. Your voice is very beautiful."


"Yes, it is."

"But I wike you mowe." I laughed.

"Can you be more adorable?" I pinched her nose and she giggled.

"Sing to me? Pwease?" Again...I can't refuse her when that puppy face appears.

"Okay. Which song?" She frowned...what is she thinking about?

"I wike that one you aways sing." I stopped walking. Oh no. It's the song that reminds me of Alex.

"I don't know Lee..." I hung my head. That song just holds so many emotions...

"Pwease Ache. I adowe that song." Puppy face...oh God.

"Okay. I'll sing it to you."

"Yaaayy!!" She jumped up in down in joy and hugged my legs. "Start now!"

"Alright, boss. Here it goes..." I picked her up in my arms, cleared my throat and started to bring my heart out through the lyrics...

"And being here without you is like I'm waking up to...

Only half of blue sky,

Kinda there, but not quite,

I'm walking 'round with just one shoe,

I'm half a heart without you.

I'm half a man at best,

With half an arrow in my chest...

I miss everything we do,

I'm half a heart without you.

Though I try to get you out of my head,

The truth is I got lost without you,

And since then I've been waking up to...

Only half a blue sky."

I finished. Leeah was staring at me like've grown two heads.

"What is it? Was it that bad?" And then...she started squealing like she ate a ton of sugar. Well...she did, actually.

"That was sooooo pweeeettyyy!!! I want mooowee!!" I laughed at her reaction. She was the only person that knew about my undying love for singing. Okay, Tara knows. But just because she caught me. Mama B. is still clueless, thank God.

"I think that's enough for tonight munchkin!" I kissed her cheek and put her down. She immedately took my hand.

"Mama and dada will be happy, wight?"

"They will, when they see all these cool and yummy cakes you made." I smiled at her and she threw me one her toothy grins.

We exited the dark area of the forest and now, we were close to Leeah's house. But...I wanted to bring the cakes to Annabelle first.

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