Chapter 43

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I woke up on something warm. 


"Morning, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" He was already awake.

"Morning. And I'm feeling excellent." I smiled and tried to get up from bed.

Main word:


"Nu-uh. I'm not letting you go away."

"Love, I have to greet Bry and M&J! I missed them! Oh shit, I also have to greet Lee with some kisses and hugs, and play with her now that I'm happy and in a mood to live." I stated.

"Nooo..." He cried out.

"Yeess..." I mocked him.

"You are leaving me here? All alone?" He pouted.

"You can come with me. I'm sure Lee-Lee will be happy to see you too, considering that the last time she's seen you, you were in a deep sleep."

"Alright-y. But come here so I can cuddle with you for a few more moments, it's only 8 a.m."

I climbed back on the bed, not being able to resist his request.


"Ache, put this on Awex." My little princess instructed me to put some lipstick on Alex.

We were currently at mine and Alex's place and my mate and I are playing with Leeah. She wanted to play with make-up and how could I ever resist her cute pouty face?

"Achelle, if you put that thing on my face, I will be so mad with y..." He started but I put my finger on his lips.

"Do you want to make her cry?" I whispered.

"No, of course not!" He looked at me in disbelief.

"Then let me do what I have to do. I want her happy and this is what she wants so...please. For me?" I pleaded.

"Baby, this is funny." I laughed at his words.

"So what? Let us have fun!"

"You're lucky I love you." He sighed.

"Is that a 'yes'?" I asked.

"It is." He smiled and let me continue with my work.


After a while, we got bored so we decided to bake something.

We made some pizza and a cheesecake. Lee was delighted. We ate and then crashed in the living room, where we watched 'Minions'. It was a great laugh. By the end of the movie, Leeah fell asleep on my lap. Poor baby lost her energy through the day from all the jumping, screaming, playing...

"Look at her." I nuged Alex.

He looked at Lee and chuckled.

"She is so tired."

"I am too. But at least she had fun." I brushed her hair with my fingers and she snuggled closer to my body.

"She loves you so much. Even in her sleep." Alex smiled at us.

"Well, I love my little sister too." I kissed the top of her head and covered her with a blanket that was on the couch beside me.

I felt Alex's stare on my face and when I turned around I saw that he was looking at the two of us, smiling.

"What?" I laughed quietly, not wanting to wake up my little munchkin.

"You are just cute." He stated.

"And you have some sauce on your T Shirt mister." He looked down to his T Shirt and frowned. 

"Why does this always happen to me?"

"Because you're my dummy." I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"Thank you for today."

"What for?" He asked.

"For letting me and Leeah goof around and torture you." I chuckled, remembering all the things we did today.

"It's all because I love you guys." He hugged me and kissed my temple.

"Well...we love you more."


"Thank God Tara came to pick up Lee because I am extremely exhausted." I sighed, plopping myself next to Alex on our bed.

"That girl is a handful." Alex chuckled.

"Oh come on, every child is. She is just a little girl. Let her be." I defended my cousin.

"I didn't mean it in a mean way. I love Leeah and you know it." He pecked my cheek and pulled me closer to his chest.

"I know."

"I missed you so much." He hugged me tighter, like he's scared I'd disappear.

"I missed you too. It was terrible. But I survived thanks to Sean." I smiled a little, remembering the crazy times I went through with my new friend.

"I am very grateful for his help. He brought me my life back." He hid his face in my hair, breathing in my scent.

"I didn't see the twins again. Or Bry." He sighed and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, but I'm that selfish. I want you to spend your time with me first. Then you can visit them." I laughed.

"Babe, I have forever to spend with you. I love you, but those boys are my brothers and you have to let me go to see them tomorrow. I missed the twins and their constant screaming as well as Brooklyn and our cooking lessons." I felt pain in my abdomen but chose to ignore it.

"Okay, okay. Tomorrow it is." I squealed in delight and hugged him.

"Thank yooouuu!" I kissed him and hugged him once again.

That strange pain came back.

And I felt like I'm on fire.

"Oh, my Goddess." Alex put his palm on my forehead and his eyes widened.

"What?" Suddenly, I felt even more tired. What is wrong with me?

"You're burning up."

"I realized that. And I feel this strange pain..."

"You know what's happening, right?"

"No...?" And I really didn't know what's up...

"YOU'RE IN HEAT, MY LOVE." ...until he told me.

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