Chapter 59

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I climbed up the stairs and found Alex looking at Mich's little face. He was overjoyed that our son is here, safe in his crib. I smiled to myself before standing beside him and taking his hand. He squeezed back right away and then kissed me like it's our last time being together.

„I love you." He whispered before hugging me and I snuggled into his chest.

„I love you more." I approached Cheyenne's crib and planted a kiss on her forehead when I saw her squirm. Her wolf was restless and I had to calm her. She relaxed the moment my lips touched her soft skin and I heard Alex gasp behind me. Elliot and Emmet were also having trouble with their wolves and I had to repeat my actions. Their wolves are acting this way because they are very young and being around us, their parents, makes them want to be awake. They want to meet us on another level – we have to shift and spend the night in their room, in our wolf form. Soon after that, they will learn to stay connected to our children's minds and everything will be okay.

„How...what did you just do to them?" Alex was confused and it made me laugh – he was always so confused when it came to our children.

„Their wolves need us and them being restless is not letting our babies sleep. So, I calmed them down by promising we will sleep with them tonight, here, in our wolf form. They want to be connected to us deeper than this. Well, they want you more. I already have a bond with them."

„Oh." I caught a thought in his mind that made me furious. Why would he think that?

Alex." I seethed and he knew he was caught.

„I'm sorry. I am so scared I will mess this up...they all love you to the moon already and I don't even have a strong bond with them." I bent down to kiss Mich's forehead and then took Alex's hand and led him out of the room.

„Yes, I can sense their wolves, but I don't want to make you feel like you're not worthy of having a strong bond with our babies. You are their father – it's the most precious bond they already have with you. I wouldn't want anyone else in this universe to be the father to my children. I need you by my side. And they want you to be there for them, too." I sat on the couch and he slowly lowered himself to my level.

„Do they really think that?" He asked, eyes wide and full of curiosity.

„Why would I lie about that? All they had to listen about while they were inside of me was about their daddy Alexander. They know you. The moment you touched my bump, they tied the strings of your heart and mind to theirs. The thing I did in the room, you can do it too, I'm sure of it. But their wolves are more attached to me because they are bounded to my celestial soul, my Goddess soul. Now, they are fully attached to the Moon, just like I am. Just like you are." I explained and leaned beck into the soft couch.


„We are marked and mated. The moment you bit my skin, we became one." I was hoping he will catch onto what I was trying to say but he didn't.

„Okay, that happens with everyone." Alex tried to reason himself, again, but to no avail.

„Baby, you know what I mean. Being my mate made you the..." He cut me off once realization hit him square in the face.

„Moon God. I completely forgot about that."

„Yes." He sat beside me and closed his eyes. That showed me how exhausted he really was. I immediately felt bad for forgetting he was up all day and night because of me, and felt my heart sink even more when he forcefully opened his eyes and looked at me, trying to ensure me he was fine.

„Alex, I know you better than myself. Don't bother with the 'I'm fine' face. Go lie down and get some sleep. I will be okay by myself for a few hours. Okay?"

„You were just giving birth a few hours ago. All that lasted almost 24 hours. And you're telling me to go and sleep? I don't think so." He protested and I smiled at his concern.

„Alright, big guy. Let's go get some sleep together then. You in?" I stood up and he chuckled at my antics.

„Of course, Daenerys." I laughed at the joke he threw at me because of my new hair. Then, he swept me off my feet and carried me to our room.

I guess we really need to charge our batteries before the whole family comes and starts asking questions.

He lowered me on the bed and pulled me close to his chest. I felt him place a soft kiss on my temple and I kissed his lips in return. He covered us with the blanket and once we were settled, I spoke my thoughts:

„I can't believe two years ago I was alone here. Everything I thought about was how long will it take for me to go insane and just end everything. Also, the fact that you hated me didn't help those depressing thoughts at all." I knew I was opening a still sore wound in his mind, but either this or he would read my mind.

„Before you say 'I'm sorry' for the hundredth time, I want to tell you how lucky I am that you ended up being my mate and the father to my children. So, don't apologize. I loved you on your worst and I love you now. Okay?" I turned on my hip so I was facing him and looked at his face. His eyes were watery and his face held pain.

„Alex? What did I do?" I sat up and took a hold of his hands, to soothe him. He shook his head and tears spilled all over his cheeks.

„Baby, please, tell me what's wrong!" All of a sudden, I was crushed into his chest and finally, I realized what's happening.

„Stop. Stop crying, I'm not worth it." I wiped away his tears but the sobs still shook his body.

„Hey. Babe, calm down. It's okay." I caressed his cheek and he, once again, pulled me to his chest. This time, I sneaked my hands around his waist and kissed his mark.

„How can you say you're not worth it?" He spoke after a few minutes of peaceful silence. „You are the most generous person I've ever met, the kindest soul that has ever walked the Earth. I treated you like shit and you forgave me. The wolf in you is not proud like the others and that makes you even more special. And your mother destined her most precious jewel to me, the biggest asshole alive." I chuckled at his words and he looked down at me. „What?"

„You are an idiot. Mates are two souls that fit as one for a reason. I needed you and you needed me. My parents allowed us to have each other." He let go of me and I quirked my eyebrow at him.



„You did it again – you made me the good guy." I laughed and lied down, pulling him beside me.

„I didn't make you the good guy – it's who you always were and always will be."

„I love you." He whispered in my ear and kissed my mark.

„I love you more." I snuggled closer and let him hide me in our little world.

A world filled with kindness, tenderness, lust and love.

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