okay this was fun Seb but it's super late so goodnightSEBASTIAN
shut up oh my godSEBASTIAN
what a divaMINNIE
I'm gonna mute this chat so fast I stgUNKNOWN 1
don't leave me alone in here pleaseMINNIE
hello anon idk if you know this but you can actually leave groupchats whenever you want toUNKNOWN 1
can't, seb threatened usMINNIE
oh yeah bc Sebastian's absolutely terrifyingUNKNOWN 2
you haven't seen him at 6am when he's had no coffeeMINNIE
pls can you give me a quick lil rundown of who's who in here so that I can save numbers before I cry of confusionUNKNOWN 3
only if you tell me who you are firstSEBASTIAN
oh wow I'm having deja vuSEBASTIAN
introductions are lame and so 20th century lemme just put contact names in for you allUNKNOWN 4
real contact names this timeSEBASTIAN
suddenly I can't readUNKNOWN 5
guess who isn't having dinner in Robert's village if he keeps up this poor attitudeSEBASTIAN
shut up tom treat your elders with respectUNKNOWN 5
respect has to be earned, you arseUNKNOWN 3
learn to speak REAL EnglishUNKNOWN 5
I'm genuinely English ?? I think out of all of us, I'm the one speaking it correctlySEBASTIAN
correctly's an awfully big word for youUNKNOWN 5
fuck off oh my god I haven't even met you yetUNKNOWN 2
'language!'UNKNOWN 3
that NEVER gets old wOwMINNIE
I'm honest to god so confused rn pls just change the contact names, SebastianUNKNOWN 3
I don't trust him to do it so I'll give you a run down, I'm Chris Evans, 1 is lizzie, 2 is Robert, 3 is me, 4 is Mackie and 5 is tomSEBASTIAN
and together wE ARE, THE CHAINMINNIE
ah, it's so nice to finally make your acquaintance after banging you for the past 6 months, Mr. AmericaROBERT
tom cover your eyes, guard them from this pure filthTOM
I'm gonna need to see some ID as proofTOM
I'm gonna ask my mum where my passport is and send you a picture of it I swear