Chapter 2

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I woke up from the sound of Denise knocking on the door. "Wake up Miss! Master is waiting for you!" I scrambled out of bed, realizing how long I was asleep. "Be right there Denise!" I replied while hurrying to get ready. I was really excited because today we are going to Diagon Alley to retrieve my things for Hogwarts. I was also going to be getting my first wand. Most pureblooded children get their wands as soon as they can speak in full sentences. Father, however, would always say that a wand is a privilege that I have not earned. I quickly slip on an embellished white top and a dark green skater skirt, I put my hair up into a simple ponytail, and let a few stray pieces frame my face. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I ran down the stairs, catching my self, and finished out the rest of the stairs calmly. Thank goodness Father did not see me.

"Ariana!" Father yells. 

"I am right here Father." I say coming up behind him.

 "Ah, there you are. Are you ready?" 

"Yes, I am!" I said excitedly.  We went over to the large fireplace and both of us grabbed a handful of floo powder.

 "Remember, Ariana, speak clearly!"

 "Yes, Father" I replied. "Diagon Alley!" I say loudly and clearly. Moments later I land on the ground covered in dust. I stand up and look around. It was my first time in Diagon Alley and I was very excited.  I immediately spot Flourish and Blotts the bookstore that Hermione is always talking about. I quickly rush into there and see Hermione.

 "Hermione!" I say excitedly. "Ariana, so good to see you again!" Hermione replies as I run over to hug her. I feel Hermione tense up so I look around the shop to see if I could spot what is making her go on edge. 

"Malfoy," Hermione states coldly. 

"Granger," Father replied just as cold as she did. Father and Hermione have always had a huge rivalry ever since they first met. Hermione has beaten Father at almost everything from becoming top of the class to becoming Harry's friend before he could.

 "Ariana, let's go," Father stated leaving no room for arguing. 

"Yes, Father." I start following him out the door but quickly turned around and waved to Hermione. When I looked back she had a perplexed look on her face.  

"Father, why do you and Hermione not get along?" I ask quizzically. 

"We used to go to Hogwarts together, and she seemed to beat me at everything! She beat me to being Potter's friend, she beat me to the top of the class year after year, and then in third year, she punched me in the nose. She has always been high tempered, and never respectful to her superiors. Father always told me to never ever let that filthy mudblood be at the top of the class, but it was hard because since I actually had a life, I did not get much time to study." 

"That makes sense then," I say tentatively, not wanting to anger him more. 

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