Chapter 36

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It has been a week since Antoinette's disappearance and the school was in an uproar. The select few that knew, were not allowed to discuss it to try and keep the marauders from finding out we knew that they exist. McGonagall has placed Aurors around the school to help prevent anything else happening. Something positive that has come from this is that I get to see Scor much more. He surprised me the first day he was back by coming up behind me and putting a gag on. Lucky me. Cat and Ossie were no help as they just stood there laughing. Though Ollie and I haven't talked in a week unless you can count death glares as talking.

"Miss Malfoy, Professor McGonagall would like to see you. I trust that you know the password?" Professor Slughorn said with a wink as I was packing up my potion kit.

"What for?" I ask, slightly confused. McGonagall said that students will not know more than they are told about the Antoinette situation, and what else would she want me for?

"I am not sure Miss Malfoy, she did not tell me." He replied with a soft smile. He was about to walk away when I remembered what I was going to ask him.

"Oh yes! Professor, is there any way to be able to read minds other than Legiamancy? A theoretical question of course." I add quickly, hoping that he would not see through my façade.

"Well, the only way that comes to mind is with the Mindbak potion, it is perhaps one of hardest potion to brew though. It requires essence of thunder from a winter's eve. It also takes five years to brew." He must have seen my face fall because he gave me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. I gave him a small smile and heaved my bag onto my shoulder and started the long trek from the dungeons up to McGonagall's office. It took me forever, but I finally made it up, slightly out of breath.

"Severus Snape," I state and the gargoyle starts to twist upwards, revealing a spiral staircase to the Headmistress's office. I walk up to the door and before I can knock on it, it opens revealing Professor McGonagall sitting at her desk and sitting in one of the ruby red chairs, was Father. 

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