Chapter 24

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I'm running faster than I have ever run before. I jump up and over fallen branches making my legs and lungs ache but I can't stop or else it will get me. I jump as Father's pale face comes out at me. I yelp as I trip over a small tree root and fall to the cold hard ground. One moment I was in the woods, the next I was at Hogwarts in the Gryffindor Common room, except it was as if someone or something dimmed all of the happiness. The fire still flickered merrily, but the students around it were staring blankly towards it, their faces devoid of any emotions. I fall backward as I see Oscar and Oliver in the mass of people by the fire. A sob escapes my mouth as Father, Antoinette, and black-eyed Charlie surround me. I feel my pocket for my wand but find nothing. Completely defenseless, I try to crawl away from them but Charlie lets out a dark laugh, the others joining in. The emotionless Gryffindors also surround me, talking in an ancient language. Sobbing, I curl up into a small ball trying to escape the sounds of those I both love and hate surrounding me.

I wake up in a cold sweat on the marble floor of my bathroom. I pull my legs to my chest as I remember my dream-no nightmare. As the images of Oscar and Oliver surrounding me flash before my eyes, I stand up, stretching out my stiff legs. I pad softly to my dresser and pull on some muggle workout clothes and put those on, and pulling my hair up into a high ponytail. I then grab running shoes and slip those on, planning to go out for a long run. Though that plan was foiled as right when I was reaching out to grab the doorknob, it opened and Aaron stepped in. My nostrils flare as I step back and cross my arms.

"What do you want?" I say, exasperated. He moves forward a bit, but I step backward, almost running into my dresser. Getting the hint, he stops moving forward.

"Our parents want to see us." He answers somewhere between a mumble and a growl. I mumble an okay, then follow him out the door and into the hall. Neither of us says a word as we make our way downstairs. Once we get to the bottom of the grand staircase and make a left into Father's private study, I see both of Aaron's parents and Father sitting in plush black chairs. In contrast to how they are dressed, I feel grossly underdressed in my leggings and sports bra. Gathering my composure I put a hand on my hip and straighten my back.

"You called me?" I say with no little amount of sass. Mrs. Zabini blinks several times in quick succession at my outfit and then at my attitude.

"Yes. We have something to discuss with you two." Father said, gesturing to himself and the Zabinis. "Please take a seat." I could hear the underlying challenge in his voice, so deciding against riling him up more, I take a seat next to Mrs. Zabini, crossing my legs while Aaron takes the seat next to his father.

"So," I say, trying to get them to tell us why we are in the study that Father has never once let me enter. With a quick glare in my direction, Mr. Zabini finally starts talking.

"We have called you two here to discuss your future." He says, glancing at Father for confirmation. I bunch my eyebrows in confusion, as Father and I have never once discussed my future before.

"Ariana, dear, before you say anything, know that we have been planning this for a while now, it was not a spontaneous decision." Mrs. Zabini says gently, putting a polished hand on my knee. Before I could say anything, Father beat me to it.

"You two are betrothed. You will marry after your seventh year." Father states calmly. My heart drops to my stomach in shock, and my vision becomes clouded in red. I stand up angrily, Mrs. Zabinis hand falling off of my knee, and storm to the door, thoroughly pissed.

"Hell no," I say and Fathers face becomes red with anger and Mrs. Zabinis hand comes up to her mouth in shock at my use of language.

"You cannot do any against it, Ariana, we made an unbreakable vow." Father pushes out, his face redder than I have ever seen it before. My eyes start to sting and before tears can slip out, I rush from the study up to my room. I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't look back. Once I finally get to my room, I grab my still packed trunk and a small backpack filled with sentimental items and head back down to the main level and straight to the fireplace and grabbing a handful of Floo powder, shouting the burrow as soon as I was inside. I feel the uncomfortable wrenching of the travel and tighten my grip around my trunk and pack. Then it suddenly stops, letting me out in a comfortable looking room covered with red heads on each couch and chair. I step out of the fireplace, coughing up ash, and went straight to Oliver, throwing my arms around his neck and letting out a held back sob.

A/N; Hey loves! Please don't forget to like and comment to help support its success! Also, thank you so much for almost 700 reads! Guys this is incredible!! Thank you so so much!

Love you all so much! <3



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