Chapter 11

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I sat in my favorite chair in the common room, reading my favorite book. As I was enjoying myself just relaxing, of course, someone has to come in and screw everything up.


"Yes, Ossie?"

"Don't you have detention with McGonagall in 10 minutes?"

"Crap!" I rush out of the common room so quickly that the Fat lady starts to yell at me. Yelling a "Sorry" over my shoulder, I ran faster than I ever had before, even when has Filch tried to catch us. Barely making it in time, I slam open the door breathing heavily.

"Miss Malfoy, glad that you could join us."

"Am I late?"

"You almost were. Professor Slughorn has requested that your detention is cleaning the cauldrons. He should be here any moment now, and he will escort you to the dungeons. No magic will be used, so please hand over your wands." We both handed over our wands without protest and sat down, at least five seats away from each other. "Oh yes! I forgot, since your two houses have been rivals for years, to help diminish that rivalry, you two will be linked together for the duration of your detention." 

"So, Professor, we are getting chained together!?!" I voice.

"That is a crude way to describe it, but yes."

Both of us opened our mouths to retort, but she silenced the both of us with a single look. She then motioned for us to come up to her so she could put the binding charm on us. My right and her left were soon glued together with magic, so we couldn't see that we were connected, but we could feel it. Just then, Professor Slughorn arrived. 

"Ah, Professor Slughorn, so glad you make it. Both Miss Malfoy and Miss Fullerton are here."

"Wonderful, follow me, children!" Slughorn would not stop talking! He talked both of us to death on the way to the dungeons. Multiple times during the trip Antoinette and I misstepped or tripped, so we gave each other a death glare. Honestly, I can't remember why we don't like each other, but it probably has something about me being a Malfoy and her a Fullerton. Malfoys and Fullertons are both pureblood families but have differing opinions. Traditionally, Malfoys don't associate themselves with anyone less than pureblood, while Fullertons don't care, much like the Weasleys. 

We walk through the door and I internally groan, noticing how many cauldrons he had sitting on one of the tables.

"Both of you may leave once you both clean all of the cauldrons. Remember, work together and it will go by quicker."

We both look at each other, trying to kill each other with only our eyes.

"Get along girls."

Well, this is going to be fun.

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