Chapter 5

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(September 1st, one week later)

I woke up excitedly this morning because today I was leaving for Hogwarts! I got out of bed, took a bath, and chose my outfit. I chose a light grey circle skirt, with a dark green mock-neck top, with black knee-high socks and black flats. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail, leaving out a few strands to frame my face. Excitedly, I pranced down the stairs, and into the breakfast room. Yes, we do have a room for every meal. 

"Hello, Miss Malfoy." Squeaked Tilda, my favorite house elf.

"Hello, Tilda."

"Is Miss excited to leave?"

"You know me so well, Tilda!"

"I made Miss breakfast." 

"Thank you so much, Tilda!" I looked down at the plate that she was holding, and it had my favorite; strawberry cream crepes. "Thank you, Tilda!"

"My pleasure Miss." She said happily while waddling out of the room.

I hungrily grabbed the plate and sat down to eat it at the table. I was almost done when someone sat down next to me.

"Slow down, you are going to choke." Said a high, arrogant voice, belonging to the second year, Aaron Zabini, the son of Blaise and Daphne Zabini.  I inwardly groaned.

"What do you want Zabini?" 

"Personally, I don't even want to be here, but my parents wanted us to leave together."

We both despised each other. 

"Hello, Ariana." Said the graceful voice of Mrs. Zabini. Personally, I did not mind her, she was just very serious. 

"Hello, Mrs. Zabini." She was always getting after me for slouching in my chair.

"How are you doing today dear?"

"I am really excited to leave for Hogwarts!"

"Are you coming home for Christmas?" 

I frowned, I had not thought about that.

"She is staying over the break," Father said, as he entered the room.

"Good morning Father!" I say, getting up to go to my bedroom to make sure that I have everything packed. As I leave the room I hear some mumbling. I take out an extendable ear that I got from Harry, and pushed it under the door. It was hard to hear, even with the ear, but I could still hear some words. I heard; ""

Deeply confused by those words, I finish my trek up to my room. I double check that everything was packed, and then got Tilda to levitate the trunk down the stairs. We all floo to platform 9 and 3/4. I hug Father one more time, then jump onto the train. As I start walking down the hallway, some 7th years push past me, and don't apologize. 

"Hey! Watch where you are going!" I yell at them. 

"What did you say?" The tallest one said dangerously. I gulp recognizing them.  Standing up straighter, I gather up my courage.

"Must I repeat myself?" 

"Look at this Carmen, this twit thinks she can stand up to us." Thea Nott said to her best friend Carmen McLaggen. (A/N did you guys see what I did there? hehe;)  Both are Gryffindors who think that they are better than everyone. 

"What is your name kid?" Carmen asked.

"Ariana Malfoy, please do not say my name though, I don't want my lovely name coming out of your filthy mouths."

"Oh no you don't!" Said Thea, jumping forward to punch me. 

"She is not worth it!" Carmen said while putting her arm out to stop Thea. Thea walked away angrily. 

"That was brave, what is your name?" Said a boy that was around my age. 

"Ariana, yours?"

"I am Oscar Weasley."

"And I am Oliver Weasley." Said a boy that looked just like the other boy.

"So, you are Oliver and you are Oscar?" I said pointing to them, oppsite of what they told me. 

"How did you guess that we were lying?"

"It was obvious, you both had mischievous smirks on your face."

"Shes good Oliver."

"Agreed Oscar."

"Should we allow her in?"

"I do not know yet."

"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of their faces. "I am still sitting right here!"

"Are you good at pranking?"

"Excuse me?"

"I said, are you good at pranking?"

"What is a 'prank'?"

"Oh Oliver, I do not think that she will work."

"Agreed Oscar."

"Excuse me? I may not know what you are talking about, but I still want in!" I watched both of them smirk at the same time.

"Welcome to the greatest team of all time."

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