chapter 8

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"Ariana Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall boomed from the top of the steps holding the sorting hat. I hear whispers break out all over the Great Hall, surprised to see that Draco Malfoy had a daughter. I nervously make my way up the steps and sit down on the stool. 

"Hmmm." The sorting hat said making me jump. "Very difficult. A Malfoy yes, but against the traditional Pureblood values. You would do well in Slytherin, but even better in GRYFFINDOR!" The hat said screaming Gryffindor. The Great Hall was silent except for the Weasley twins who had already been sorted into Gryffindor. I make my way down to the Gryffindor table in almost complete silence. How was I going to tell Father? I decided then and there that I would not tell him.

(A.N. I am aware that on the cover she is a Slytherin, and that was the way that it was going to be, but then I changed my mind. I might change it to Gryffindor later but we will see. Also, I will be updating all of my stories more since I am currently on Holiday. :)

I woke up after falling asleep quickly last night. I look around my dorm to make sure that I wasn't dreaming and that I truly did get sorted into Gryffindor. My eyes trace the edging of my scarlet bed wondering how I got sorted into Gryffindor and not Slytherin like every other Malfoy before me. I jump as one of the other girl's alarms goes off, marking the start as the first full day at Hogwarts and the first day of classes. Wanting to beat the other girls, I jump up and rush to the bathroom grabbing my robes and undergarments. I quickly take a shower and change then walk down from the dorms into the common room to wait for Oscar and Oliver. A few older students trickled into the common room all giving me a wary glance. I hold their gaze until they look to not seem scared, while in reality, I was terrified. I look over my class schedule, excited to see that first, we had a flying class. 

"Hey, Ari!" I look over my shoulder and see both Oscar and Oliver running down the boy's dorm staircase. 

"Hey Oscar, hey Oliver. What class do you guy's have first?"

"I have flying, but Oscar has potions with ol'Sluggy first."

"That is unfortunate, I was hoping that we would all get to have our first class together."

"What do you have as your first class, then?" Asks Oscar.

"I have Flying."

"Lucky, I don't have flying until tomorrow."

"Want to head down to the Great Hall for breakfast?"

"Sure." Both twins said simultaneously. 

"That is so creepy, just stop, please."

"Nah." Both said. Shaking my head we make our way down to the great hall, passing a few kids giving me the evil eye. While we were walking, I kept staring at some of the paintings, amazed at how detailed they were, when I bumped into someone. 

"I am so sorry!" I said quickly helping the girl to her feet.

"No it is ok, I am very clumsy! Oh!" She said while staring at me.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I say, hurt. 

"I am sorry, I will just go." She says, hurrying away.

"Who was that?" Oliver asks.

"Some Slytherin." Oscar answers.

"Her name is Antoinette Fullerton, first year." Some fifth year Raven claw says while passing by. We finally get to the Great hall, after taking multiple wrong turns. I sit down at the table with the twins on the other side.

"Are any of you going to try out for the Quidditch team this year?" A snotty sounding girl says from beside me. 

"Of course, are you?" I retort back.

"I'm going to try out for seeker, just like my Father did."

"Who is your Father, might I ask?" 

"My Father is Harry Potter, and yours?"

"Draco Malfoy, thats funny, if Harry is your father, why has he never metioned you?  I am also trying out for seeker, so you better watch out."I notice her visibly gulp, then continue talking to a girl on her left. I then resume talking with the twin until it was time to split up and go to our classes. Oliver and I make our way down to the Quidditch pitch with some other first year from the various houses.

"Alright first years, I am Madame Hooch I am your flying instructor. Now, step up to the right of your broom and say up with force." 

"Up!" Every first year says simultaneously. Only a few, including my own, move. Madame Hooch waits until everyone has their broom into their hands, until speaking again. 

"Now, mount your broom and hold on tight, you don't want to fall off the other end."

"That's what she said." Said Oliver. Almost the whole class laughed.

"Mr. Weasly I presume,"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Please join me in my office later tonight for your detention."

"Yes Ma'am," he said, not looking the least bit remorseful. We all mount our brooms, holding on tight, and following Madame Hooch's next instructions, start to fly around.

"Well, since none of you have died yet, I will set off a snitch and if you can catch it in under one minute, then you will be your house's next seeker. I must warn you though, no first year has ever been able to catch it, good luck!" She says, throwing the snitch up into the air.

I race my broom towards it with all of the other first years, except for Antoinette. Somehow, I pulled ahead of the others and so I reached my hand out to grab it when the snitch started to fall towards the ground, I knew that it would not touch the ground so I followed it, knowing that I would have to pull up at the last second. Both the snitch and I plummeted towards the ground. At the last second, the snitch pulls up and went left, already anticipating this happening, I pulled up following the snitch. I reached my arm out and grasped the small sphere just as Madame Hooch blew her whistle. Panting I rode my broom down to the ground and hopped off, giving the snitch to a bewildered looking Madame Hooch.  

"Congratulations Miss Malfoy, I will inform Professor McGonagall of your achievement immediately. Class dismissed!" She then guided me to the transfiguration classroom, which thankfully, was my next class. "Minerva, I have found you a new seeker. She was the only first year to be able to catch the snitch in under a minute."

"Congratulations Miss Malfoy. It seems as if you will do well in Gryffindor."

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