Chapter 18

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I woke up after having a dreamless night and padded sleepily to the bathroom where I jumped when I saw my appearance. My black eyeliner was smudged all the way down to my chin and my red lipstick was smeared so much that I looked like I had recently devoured someone. I grabbed a makeup removing wipe and set to work, cleaning my face. After I got the makeup off, I cleansed my face and added a moisturizer, groaning when I found a spot on my chin. I applied a spot treatment, then not bothering to put on any makeup, I walked back to my trunk, grabbed my clothing and quickly changed into my uniform.

I then tied my hair up in a ponytail, leaving out a few of my blonde strands to frame my face. Overriding my previous decision, I put on a swipe of black eyeliner and chapstick. Deciding that I looked decent, I headed down the stair to where the boys were waiting. I looped my arms through theirs, then we made our way down to breakfast, laughing like a bunch of banshees at something that Oscar said.

We entered the Great Hall bursting out laughing at the chaos going on in there. The Slytherins were attacking the Ravenclaws and vise versa, both trying to figure out why this happened. The boys and I skipped down to our usual spot at the Gryffindor table near the steps up to the head table. I sat down at the table with Ollie on my left and Ossie on my right. I reached for a piece of toast when a golden-skinned hand knocked it away.

"Good morning Aaron," I said without looking up, reaching for a piece of bacon.

"You think this is funny?" Aaron raged at me gesturing to the Ravenclaw crest attached to his cloak.

"Yeah, pretty funny," I said munching on my bacon.

"Well, it isn't." He argued, crossing his arms in defiance.

"What are you, five years old?" I said grabbing another piece of bacon. Oscar laughed, then tried to conceal it with a cough. I grinned at him before turning back to Aaron.

"You are unbearable." He said groaning. I just smiled sweetly at him.

"I know," I say and he walks away shaking his head.

"This prank was defiantly a good idea," Oliver said, laughing.

"Of course it was, I thought of it," I say grinning at him and standing up, I then grab a piece of toast and bacon and start to walk away mentally patting my back for not falling.

"So you're going to walk out of the Great Hall without cursing? Are you sick?" Oscar piped up from behind me. Not turning my head, I flip him off.

"There it is." I heard Oliver say from behind. I just grin at his words as I shove a piece of toast in my mouth.

"Miss Malfoy, detention tonight."

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